Alexander Hamilton: The Man Who Made Modern America
Important! Publicity approval
Publicity for the exhibition is the responsibility of the exhibiting library; however, ALA will work with each library to achieve the best coverage possible. Please contact the ALA Public Programs Office if you have questions or need PR materials. ALA Public Programs exhibit staff will be happy to speak to local reporters who are doing stories about the exhibit.
LIBRARIES MUST SUBMIT TO ALA—AT LEAST THREE DAYS BEFORE PRINTING OR POSTING—ALL DRAFT COPY of press releases, media advisories, Web site designs, backgrounders, program flyers, ads, and exhibition invitations to the ALA Public Programs Office by either fax or e-mail.
Please send draft copy to Susan Brandehoff, 1-800-545-2433 ext. 5054, fax 312-280-5759,, and Jennifer Dominiak, 1-800-545-2433 ext. 5292, fax 312-280-5759, Materials will be reviewed immediately.
Copies of all press coverage, including videotapes of television coverage and audiotapes of radio reports, should be sent to ALA with the library’s final report.