Challenge Reporting

ALA, established in 1876, has a longstanding commitment to defend intellectual freedom in libraries. Even before the formal adoption of the Library Bill of Rights in 1939, ALA has provided support, guidance, and resources to librarians faced with censorship. Since 1990, the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) has maintained a database on challenged materials. ALA gathers information from media reports and individual reports submitted from the form below.
Reporting censorship and challenges to materials, resources, and services is vital to developing the best resources to defend library resources and to protect against challenges before they happen. The information gathered from these reports helps OIF:
- stay aware of developments in the profession
- supply library workers with crucial tools, resources, workshops, and programs
- compile the Top 10 Most Challenged Books list and trend reports for public awareness
OIF staff will be in contact to offer assistance and support. Even if support is not needed, please report challenges. Your report is confidential unless you tell us otherwise. Visit the ALA Fight Censorship clearinghouse of resources, statements, partners, and graphics for more information and additional ways you can defend the freedom to read and support others facing censorship.
Having trouble viewing the form below? Access it here.