
Our Mission
We assist and promote libraries in helping children and adults develop the skills they need, including the ability to read and use technology, understanding that the ability to seek and effectively utilize information resources is essential in a global information society.
Get Involved
Join us in promoting literacy! Shape policies, develop programs, and raise awareness within our association. Collaborate with us and other ALA units to empower libraries and communities. Let's partner with national organizations to make a difference!
Join us in ALA's literacy hub! Amplify our commitment beyond committees. Exchange ideas, address concerns, and coordinate impactful programming. Let's boost literacy activities association-wide. Join the movement today.
Don't miss out! Join our upcoming webinar or catch recordings on increasing literacy in your community. Learn strategies to make a difference. Let's empower communities through knowledge together!
Key Resources

ALA Literacy Clearinghouse

Adult Literacy through Libraries
The American Dream Literacy Initiative
Introduction to the American Dream Starts @ your library project. For more than a century public libraries have been a cornerstone of the American Dream. Since January 2007, the American Library Association has funded 100 libraries in 28 states. This initiative is generously funded by the Dollar General Literacy Foundation.

Engaging Multilingual Communities and English Language Learners in U.S. Librari…

Literacy for All: Adult Literacy through Libraries
Policy Manual
B.8 Services and Responsibilities of Libraries (Old Number 52)
B.8.1 Literacy (Old Number 50.6) B.8.1.1 Literacy and State Library Agencies (Old Number 50.6.1) B.8.1.2 Literacy and the Role of Libraries (Old Number 50.6.2) B.8.2