Directory of ALA Websites
Customize your ALA experience by joining one of our eight Divisions where you can network and collaborate with a targeted focus on your library environment and your professional role. Through career development, specialized resources, opportunities to lead and learn, ALA Divisions will connect you to the professional community you want.
Members of ALA Divisions must first be members of the American Library Association. A majority of ALA members belong to one or more Divisions. To learn about the types of membership available, see ALA Personal Membership (includes Division and Round Table rates). Explore the division's sites and all they have to offer below.
External Websites by Division
AASL National Conference | Site for AASL's National Conference & Exhibition
ESSA and School Libraries | Comprehensive website for Every Student Succeeds Act implementation (ESSA) as it relates to school libraries.
Knowledge Quest | Communication vehicle for AASL.
National School Library Standards | A portal of resources and materials for the AASL "National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries."
ALSC Blog | The mission of the ALSC Blog is to provide a venue for coverage of time sensitive news in children’s librarianship, current issues in the field, and programs, conferences, initiatives, resources, and activities of interest to ALSC members and those interested in children’s librarianship.
Association for Library Service to Children Wiki | This official wiki of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) is open to ALSC members and those with an interest in library service to children. It is a resource for information and news about ALSC and library activities and projects. All are invited to share news about committee work, share ideas and best practices, network, and contribute to the wiki.
Children and Libraries | "Children and Libraries" (CAL) is the official journal of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association. The Journal primarily serves as a vehicle for continuing education of librarians working with children, which showcases current scholarly research and practice in library service to children. It also serves as a vehicle for communication to the ALSC membership, spotlighting significant news, activities, and initiatives of the Association.
Día!: Diversity in Action | Information about ALSC's initiative - El día de los niños/El día de los libros (Children's Day/Book Day). Commonly known as Día, it is a celebration every day of children, families, and reading that culminates yearly on April 30. The celebration emphasizes the importance of literacy for children of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
Every Child Ready to Read | Information about ALSC and PLA's Every Child Ready to Read @ your library initiative
Great Websites for Kids | Great Websites for Kids is a compilation of exemplary websites geared to children from birth to age 14. Suggested sites are evaluated by the Great Websites for Kids Committee using established selection criteria. The committee is made up of members of the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association.
ACRL 75th Anniversary Website | Website portal for ACRL's 75th anniversary celebration.
ACRL African American Studies Librarians Section | Website for ACRL AFAS.
ACRL ANSS | ACRL Anthropology and Sociology Section website.
ACRL Arts Section | ACRL Arts section blog.
ACRL Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section | ACRL AAMES section website.
ACRL Community and Junior Colleges Library Section | ACRL CJCLS blog.
ACRL Conference | Online home for ACRL's biennial conference.
ACRL Distance Learning Section
ACRL Insider | ACRL news and information blog.
ACRL Instruction Section Website
ACRL IS PRIMO Database | Database of peer-reviewed information literacy instructional materials maintained by the ACRL Instruction Section.
ACRL Literatures in English Section Blog
ACRL LPSS: Law and Political Science Section
ACRL Philosophical, Religious, and Theological Discussion Group
ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Website
ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit | Website to to support advocacy efforts designed to transform the scholarly communication landscape.
ACRL Slavic and Eastern European Studies Section
ACRL TechConnect | ACRL member-edited technology blog and site
ACRL University Libraries Section
ACRL Visual Literacy Standards Task Force | Website and blog.
ACRL WESS Web | Website for the ACRL Western European Studies Section.
ACRL Women and Gender Studies Section Blog
ACRLog | ACRL member-edited issues blog
CHOICE | Choice is the premier review journal of new academic titles, offering provides approximately 600 reviews every month, identifying the best new books and digital content in academia.
College & Research Libraries Journal
College & Research Libraries News Magazine
College Library Director Mentoring Program | Website for the CLDMP project.
Framework for Information Literacy | Portal with news and information on ACRL's Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education.
Image Resources Interest Group
Intersections of Scholarly Communications and Information Literacy | Interactive online home of ACRL's Intersections of "Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy" publication and related initiatives. | Online publishing platform for ACRL's journals and newsletter.
MLA International Bibliography In Academic Libraries Discussion Group
New Roles for the Road Ahead | Online publication site of essays commissioned for ACRL’s 75th anniversary.
RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage
RBMS Conference | Website for ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section annual conference.
RBMS Conference | Website for ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section annual conference.
ULS Universe | Website for ACRL's University Libraries Section Newsletter
Value of Academic Libraries | Portal for ACRL's Value of Academic Libraries initiative.
Information Technology & Libraries (ITAL) | ITAL strives to provide profound insights into key topics at the intersection of libraries and technology and aims to publish a diverse range of voices from colleagues with varied backgrounds and perspectives, all contributing unique insights into the challenges and opportunities of technology in libraries.
Library Leadership & Management (LL&M) | LL&M focuses on assisting library leaders, both formal and informal, at all levels as they deal with day-to-day challenges.
Library Resources & Technical Services (LRTS) | LRTS takes a critical approach to the questions and challenges facing librarians and libraries. | is an Institute of Museum and Library Services grant-funded project to create an online hub for digital literacy support and training. The site launched in June 2013 and is intended to build upon and foster the work of libraries and community organizations as they work to increase digital literacy across the nation. is being undertaken in partnership with ALA's Office of Information Technology Policy and Chief Officers of State Library Agencies, as well as bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders including representatives from national agencies, state libraries, public libraries, community organizations, and many others. Included in is a collection of self-directed tutorials for end-users to increase their digital literacy, and a community of practice for digital literacy trainers to share resources, tools and best practices.
Every Child Ready to Read | Information about ALSC and PLA's Every Child Ready to Read @ your library initiative
Every Child Ready to Read @ your library on Ning | A social media space for sharing all things Every Child Ready to Read @ your library
PLA Conference | Home of the upcoming (or most recent) biennial PLA Conference.
Project Outcome: Measuring the True Impact of Public Libraries | The goal of Project Outcome is to help public libraries understand and share the true impact of essential library services and programs. While many public libraries collect data about their services and programs, what often lacking are the data to prove what good they are providing their communities, such as programs serving childhood literacy, digital and technological training, and workforce development. With Project Outcome, patron attendance and anecdotal success stories are no longer the only way libraries can capture to prove their effectiveness. Project Outcome is designed to give libraries simple tools and a supportive online community of library leaders to help turn these better data into better libraries.
Public Libraries Online | is the companion website to the bi-monthly print publication “Public Libraries,” the official magazine of the Public Library Association. Like the print iteration, “plonline” focuses on issues and topics that matter to public libraries and public librarianship; however it also features unique content and allows online interaction through comments and social media sharing. PL Online provides readers with daily updates, op-ed pieces, e-book reviews, author interviews, and more.
Reference and User Services Quarterly (RUSQ) | Reference & User Services Quarterly is the official journal of the Reference and User Services Association of the American Library Association. Its purpose is to disseminate information of interest to reference librarians, information specialists, and other professionals involved in user-oriented library services.
RUSA Update | RUSA’s news and calendar portal where you’ll find timely updates full of helpful information, articles, member news, announcements, and IAMRUSA podcast interviews among others.
Authors for Libraries | A unique partnership to connect authors with libraries, Friends of the Library groups, and library Foundations as well as to keep authors informed about issues and concerns affecting libraries on a national level. Authors who join are featured on the new Authors for Libraries website where Friends groups and libraries can search by zip code to find authors in their area. Tips are included on the website for Friends and libraries seeking to host programs and for authors who want to do programs at their local libraries.
Teen Book Finder Database | This database provides access to all of YALSA's annual selected book and media lists, awards, and honorees. These resources are developed by library staff and educators to support the collection development and readers' advisory work of library staff.
Teen Programming HQ | The purpose of the site is to allow educators and library staff to find and share library programs for and with teens as well as to connect with others who plan, implement and evaluate teen programs. Programs featured on this site are those that align with the standards in YALSA's Teen Programming Guidelines.
The Hub | The mission of The Hub: Your Connection to Teen Collections is to provide timely information about emerging and new practices for evaluating, selecting and curating materials; raise awareness about appropriate YALSA tools to facilitate innovation in teen collections; and provide resources for members and the library community to support their efforts to continuously improve their teen collection and content curation.
The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults | The Journal of Research on Libraries and Young Adults is an open-access, peer-reviewed online research journal published by the Young Adult Library Services Association. Its purpose is to enhance the development of theory, research, and practices to support young adult library services, as emphasized in’ YALSA’s National Research Agenda.
YALSA Groups Wiki | Password-protected workspace for committees.
YALSA Wiki | Resource for information about advocacy, conferences, professional development, programming, research, technology, young adult literacies, teen reading, and youth participation.
YALSAblog | The mission of the YALSAblog is to provide a virtual space for publishing timely information about emerging and new practices for library services for and with teens, to explore practices in related fields relevant to teen services, to raise awareness about appropriate YALSA tools to facilitate innovation in teen services, and to provide resources for members and the library community to support their efforts to continuously improve their overall teen services program.
Round Tables
Round Tables are an excellent way to get involved at ALA, explore your personal interests, and ignite your passion. You will network with your peers around issues and ideas that are impacting your library and your career. Get involved and work with other members to build the resources and tools the profession needs, share your expertise, and learn from your colleagues.
The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Rounds Table honors the legacy of Mrs. Coretta Scott King by promoting distinguished literature by African American authors and illustrators.
EMIERT provides a forum for the exchange of information on library materials and resources in English and other languages, and promotes service for all ethnolinguistic and multicultural communities in general.
FMRT offers a unique forum for learning about new developments in video librarianship, as well as resources for finding answers to some of the more elusive questions facing video librarians in their
With members from all types of libraries, GameRT is built around our shared passion for games and the use of gaming within libraries.
The GODORT is a dynamic forum where information professionals learn, discuss, advocate, and create scholarship on and about government information at all levels of government.
The GNCRT supports library staff in all aspects of engaging with graphic novels and comics, including collection development, programming, and advocacy.
The IFRT provides a forum for discussing library intellectual freedom issues, serving as a communication channel, promoting involvement in defending intellectual freedom, and implementing ALA policies.
The IRRT promotes global interest in library issues, coordinates international ALA activities, develops programs supporting international objectives, and provides hospitality and information to foreign visitors.
LearnRT promotes quality continuing education for library personnel, facilitating networking with other providers for idea exchange. They serve as a source for education assistance, publications, and training.
The LHRT facilitates communication among scholars and students of library history and supports research in library history. It sponsors conferences, publishes a newsletter, and presents awards.
LIRT empowers librarians to become better teachers through sharing best practices, leadership and professional development, and networking.
The LRRT aims to extend and improve library research, and to provide public program opportunities for describing and evaluating library research projects, and for disseminating their findings.
The Library Support Staff Round Table (LSSRT) focuses on library support staff--who support staff are and what we do, as well as developing skills and support programming for library support staff.
Through community, education, and advocacy, the MAGIRT leads and inspires information professionals in their work with map and geospatial information resources.
The NMRT is a place for members who are new to the library profession, new to ALA, or new to both. It provides career development programs, professional development grants, and networking opportunities.
The Rainbow Round Table promotes the development, advancement, and improvement of library services and resources for LGBTQ+ individuals and their communities.
The RMRT provides an avenue for retired or late-career members to maintain relationships, continue meaningful organizational involvement, and share skills and knowledge through mentorship.
The SRRT works to make ALA more democratic and to establish progressive priorities not only for the Association, but also for the entire profession.
SustainRT was created as a venue in which members exchange ideas and opportunities regarding sustainability in order to move toward a more equitable, healthy and economically viable society.
External Websites by Round Table
GLBT News | The official news outlet of the ALA Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table (GLBTRT)
GLBT Reviews | Reviews of books from GLBTRT
Over the Rainbow Books | A book list of GLBTRT
Rainbow Books | The Rainbow Book List is created by the Rainbow Book List Committee of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Round Table of the American Library Association. Originally a joint project between the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Roundtable and the Social Responsibilities Round Table, the Rainbow Book List presents an annual bibliography of quality books with significant and authentic GLBTQ content, which are recommended for people from birth through eighteen years of age.
Amelia Bloomer Project | Recommended feminist literature from birth through 18, from the SRRT Feminist Task Force
SRRT - Social Responsibilities Round Table | Home of the ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table on the web

American Libraries magazine
American Libraries magazine is the voice of the profession and the flagship magazine of the American Library Association.
Related sites:
American Libraries Buyers Guide | Database of vendors and advertisers who provide products and services to library professionals.
American Libraries Live | A free, streaming video broadcast allows viewers to watch broadcasts about library issues and trends in real time and interact with hosts via a live chat.
Call Number Podcast | Conversations with librarians, authors, thinkers, and scholars about topics from the library world and beyond.

Booklist Magazine
Booklist magazine has been considered an essential collection development and readers' advisory tool since 1905.
Related sites:
Booklist – print magazine has been considered an essential collection development and readers’-advisory tool since 1905.
Booklist Online - website includes digital editions of Booklist, a growing archive of reviews and articles published since 1990, and lots of free content. Single-user access is included with Booklist subscriptions. Also available for unlimited-users institutional accounts.
Booklist Reader - Booklist’s monthly magazine for library patrons. Learn more about how Booklist Reader can contribute to your library's reader services through this information packet.
ALA Connect is an online platform for discussion and collaboration between ALA members, whether they’re part of a formal ALA committee or just want to share questions and ideas with other library professionals.
ALA JobLIST is the online career center for job seekers and employers in library and information science and technology.
The leading global content provider of courses, webinars, and customized eLearning content for library and information workers in all types of libraries and related organizations.
The ALA Store is the place to purchase everything you need to continually improve your professional knowledge. It's also a great place to find fun posters, bookmarks and other promotional materials.
More External Sites by Topic or ALA Office
LibGuides | Index of all ALA newsletters, magazines, blogs, and journals. | Open Journal Systems software provides searching of ALA journal content.
Connect with ALA on Social Media | This page lists all ALA social media sites and hashtags to follow.
ALAIR | ALA's institutional repository
American Library Association Archives at the University of Illinois Archives
ALA-Allied Professional Association | Site for 501 (C)(6) companion to ALA organization.
Certified Public Library Administrator | Site for the Certified Public Library Administrator program.
Library Support Staff Certification | Site for the Library Support Staff Certification program.
National Library Workers Day | Site for the National Library Workers Day program.
Wellness Website | Site for Workplace Wellness resources for library workers.
Libraries Transform | Libraries Transform is the American Library Association’s new multi-year public awareness campaign. Its ultimate goal is to increase funding support for libraries and advance information policy issues in alignment with ALA advocacy goals. The site includes posters, postcards, bookmarks and other materials for implementing the campaign locally.
Diversity & Outreach Columns | Blog highlighting diversity and outreach efforts in libraries.
Good Health Information (BETA) | Longstanding partnership with the NLM to connect libraries with quality consumer health resources on the NLM's MedLinePlus database.
Knowledge Alliance | Libraries serve the learning needs of all people throughout their lifetime, and a Knowledge Ally can help you identify the educational and career paths that are right for you. Explore the paths these Allies have taken to learn more about libraries, and the people working in them. Join the Knowledge Alliance when you're ready to identify your Ally and connect with your personal guide to a career in library and information science.
Work at ALA / ALA Job openings
Emerging Leaders Wiki | Wiki for the ALA Emerging Leaders Program. | Information for general public on becoming a librarian.
NMRT Notes | Blog of the New Members Round Table.
Recruitment Clearinghouse Wiki | Wiki for resources for those recruiting to library professions.
ALA Banned Books Week | Hub for Banned Books Week resources, frequently challenged book information and material challenge support.
Banned Books Week Coalition | Coalition website highlighting banned books and local literary events
Choose Privacy Week | Site/blog for Choose Privacy Week, an annual ALA event that invites library users into a national conversation about privacy rights in the digital age.
Freedom to Read Foundation | The Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF) is a non-profit legal and educational organization affiliated with the American Library Association. FTRF protects and defends the First Amendment to the Constitution and supports the right of libraries to collect - and individuals to access - information.
Journal of Intellectual Freedom & Privacy | Official journal of the Office for Intellectual Freedom.
Office for Intellectual Freedom Blog | Updated commentary, opinion pieces and news articles about current intellectual freedom issues.
Our Voices Chicago | Initiative that connects independent and self-published creators in Chicago to libraries and readers
Production Services, ALA's in-house design and production team | As an ALA staff member, you have access to Production Services any time you need to create modern and engaging materials to share with your segment of the library community. Work with the skilled, friendly, and knowledgeable PS team to increase the impact of your communications.
Apply Now | Current opportunities from ALA's Public Programs Office.
Programming Librarian | To provide the resources, connections, and opportunities libraries need to fill their role as centers of cultural and civic life. is a place for library professionals to share, learn, and be inspired to present excellent programming for their communities. Through resources, ideas, and professional development opportunities, we seek to help libraries fill their role as cultural and civic hubs in their communities.
Programming & Exhibitions | Promoting cultural and community programming as an essential part of library service.
ALA Legislative Action Center | Grassroots Advocacy Tool used by the ALA Washington Office for updates on library-related legislation and to drive direct contact with your legislative representatives
Copyright Advisory Network | The Copyright Advisory Network (CAN) exists to help librarians understand copyright law and appreciate the important role that they can play in serving the public “to advance the progress of science and the useful arts.” We use the Network to respond to copyright questions posed by librarians, but perhaps—more importantly, help librarians learn about copyright from a broader perspective, primarily its impact on information policy issues fundamental to our profession, including free expression, equitable access to information, censorship, and intellectual freedom.
I Love Libraries | is designed to keep America informed about what’s happening in today’s libraries. The website promotes the value of libraries and librarians, explains key issues affecting libraries, and urges readers to support and take action for their libraries.
Library Copyright Alliance | The Library Copyright Alliance (LCA) includes the American Library Association, the Association of Research Libraries, and the Association of College and Research Libraries.Content and resources found on this site reflect the voice of LCA and its members on copyright and related intellectual property laws and treaties, nationally and internationally. Intellectual property laws are currently undergoing major changes in response to the growth in the use of digital formats for works.
ALA Editions/ALA Neal-Schuman | ALA's book publishing imprint. This website provides information for current and aspiring authors.
RDA Toolkit | The online RDA Toolkit subscription is the most effective way to interact with the RDA: Resource Description and Access cataloging standard.