Office for Intellectual Freedom

logo of the Office for Intellectual Freedom American Library Association features a flame to the left of the text.

Established December 1, 1967, the Office for Intellectual Freedom is charged with implementing ALA policies concerning the concept of intellectual freedom as embodied in the Library Bill of Rights, the Association’s basic policy on free access to libraries and library materials. The goal of the office is to educate librarians and the general public about the nature and importance of intellectual freedom in libraries.


OIF provides confidential support to anyone addressing a challenge to materials, programming, policy, or services. Our challenge report form allows you to report censorship and request assistance with the challenge. Alternatively, you can send email to or call 312-280-4221 to request assistance.

Our free consulting services help you prepare for censorship and implement vital intellectual freedom best practices within your library or school. We create and edit policies, strategize plans for working with communities and families, and provide workshops and programs about the First Amendment, privacy laws, internet filtering, and intellectual freedom.


Subject matter experts from the Office for Intellectual Freedom are available to speak at workshops and professional development sessions on topics such as collection development, professional ethics, and law and policy concerning intellectual freedom, censorship, privacy, internet filtering, the First Amendment and more.

We create webinars designed to educate librarians and the public about the nature and importance of intellectual freedom in libraries, often focusing on single topics, such as collection development, book challenges, or meeting rooms.. Our webinars are recorded. After the live event, many of the recordings are accessible at the OIF YouTube channel or available through ALA E-learning.

Lawyers for Libraries & Law for Librarians

Logo that reads: L4L Lawyers for Libraries & Law for Librarians

ALA OIF is excited to relaunch the Lawyers for Libraries and Law for Librarians (L4L) programs.

As libraries contend with the unprecedented rise in censorship attempts and attacks on intellectual freedom through adverse legislation, ALA OIF seeks to provide additional support and resources by expanding upon its legal initiatives, to ensure a coordinated and strategic approach to counter groups organizing censorship efforts.

Using the legal basis of intellectual freedom principles, the L4L programs provide training for both legal professionals and library professionals so they will have the expertise necessary for deflecting censorship challenges. The first stage of both programs will be to develop a cadre of trainers (Train-the-Trainer) who will then be empowered to facilitate regional trainings. Trainers and participants will be supported and engaged via an online community and learning hub.

The first cohort of Law for Librarians trainers is meeting for a weekend of training Summer of 2024 to begin their two-year commitment to training and supporting librarians and library workers in their region. The group consists of both school and public librarians, and they will work together with local, state, and regional colleagues.

The content shared in the Law for Librarians program is informational and not legal advice. Members of this cohort are not attorneys and will not be sharing legal advice when they provide trainings.

If you have questions about scheduling a training session with a Law for Librarians representative from your state or a training with another topic, please email

State Intellectual Freedom Helpline Grants

Logo for the Intellectual Freedom Helpline

DATE POSTED: April 3, 2024

State library and school library association chapters and state library agencies are encouraged to apply to receive a $10,000 grant to establish or bolster a statewide Intellectual Freedom Helpline. The online application is available here.

If you have questions about the project or the application, contact the American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom at 312-280-4221, or

APPLICATION RECEIPT DEADLINE: 11:59pm Eastern, July 14, 2024

Public Awareness

  • Banned Books Week in the fall draws attention to the harms of censorship and the benefits of unrestricted reading.
  • Unite Against Book Bans is ALA's public-facing national initiative to empower readers everywhere to stand together in the fight against censorship.
  • With a diverse group of librarians and writers, OIF publishes an engaging Intellectual Freedom Blog with a huge selection of topics and viewpoints. Every Friday, OIF News Editors publish a free weekly compilation of news about censorship cases, and articles about privacy, internet filtering, academic freedom, and the First Amendment. Anyone can subscribe to receive Intellectual Freedom News in their email inbox on Fridays.
  • OIF releases an annual list of the Top Ten Most Challenged Books during National Library Week in April using its censorship database.
  • We produce and market products in the ALA Store to create awareness of intellectual freedom and Banned Books Week.


  • We collaborate with intellectual freedom leaders to continually provide updated resources on a broad range of intellectual freedom issues, including censorship, material challenges, collection policies, privacy, internet filtering, academic freedom and equal access to information.
  • Journal of Intellectual Freedom and Privacy (JIFP) includes substantive essays, peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, legal briefs, and opinion pieces. The $50 annual subscription allows readers to review the latest book banning incidents, court rulings, and legal controversies.
  • The 10th edition of the Intellectual Freedom Manual is more than just an invaluable compendium of guiding principles and policies; it’s also an indispensable resource for day-to-day guidance on maintaining free and equal access to information for all people, including
    • 34 ALA policy statements and documents, 17 new or updated for this edition, addressing patron behavior, internet use, copyright, exhibits and use of meeting spaces
    • At-a-glance lists summarizing key issues such as access, challenges and censorship, access by minors to controversial materials, and advocacy
    • Explanations of legal points in clear, easy-to-understand language, alongside case citations
    • Numerous checklists to help readers stay organized

Our Community

ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC)
A committee of ALA’s Council responsible for safeguarding the rights of library users in accordance with the First Amendment. The IFC page includes its official charge, roster, current activities, and discussion of draft documents.

ALA Committee on Professional Ethics (COPE)
A committee of ALA’s Council charged with augmenting the Code of Ethics through interpretations and guiding documents. The COPE page includes its official charge, roster with term dates, and current activities and reports.

Intellectual Freedom Round Table (IFRT)
A grassroots membership group of more than 1,000 intellectual freedom advocates. The IFRT executive board organizes programs, events, and awards. For $15 per year, all IFRT members receive free intellectual freedom eLearning.

Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF)
FTRF was established in 1969 as a First Amendment legal defense organization affiliated with the American Library Association. FTRF is a separate corporation from the American Library Association, working in close liaison with the ALA.

State Intellectual Freedom Network (SIFnet)
OIF hosts a series of online “State of the States” virtual meetings for Intellectual Freedom Committee (IFC) chairs from ALA Chapters and AASL Affiliates. These meetings are an opportunity to promote communication and discuss state, local, and national intellectual freedom issues.

Contact Us

For information on libraries and the First Amendment, library policy, filtering, meeting rooms, and user privacy:
Deborah Caldwell-Stone, Director
(312) 280-4221

For information on libraries and the First Amendment, freedom of information laws, privacy, Lawyers for Libraries and Law for Librarians, and challenge support related to libraries and the law contact:
Sarah Lamdan, Deputy Director
(312) 280-4228

For challenge support, information about book challenges, OIF publications and journals, and the State Intellectual Freedom Network:
Eric Stroshane, Assistant Director
(312) 280-4221

For webinars, professional development courses, and other educational opportunities related to intellectual freedom:
Joyce McIntosh, Assistant Program Director
(312) 280-4221

For Banned Books Week, Unite Against Book Bans, website, social media, advocacy, and outreach:
Betsy Gomez, Assistant Director
(312) 280-4221

For Freedom to Read Foundation and Merritt Fund support:
Karen Gianni, Program Coordinator
(312) 280-4221