Latino Americans: 500 Years of History

Latino Americans

Programming for Latino Americans: 500 Years of History concluded on July 1, 2016. Thanks to all who participated!

For an overview of the project, including success stories from host sites, view the LA500 Final Report.

Latinos have a long and fascinating history in the United States dating back more than 500 years. Explore the rich stories, diverse cultures and painful clashes that have so powerfully shaped Latino lives and the nation.
Latino Americans: 500 Years of History, a public programming initiative produced by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the American Library Association (ALA), was part of an NEH initiative, The Common Good: The Humanities in the Public Square.
The program was designed for libraries, museums, community arts and cultural organizations, historical societies, public television station affiliates, state humanities councils and others that sought to facilitate informed discussion in their communities about Latino history and culture. This project featured the PBS documentary series Latino Americans, a production of WETA Washington, DC; Bosch and Co., Inc.; and Latino Public Broadcasting (LPB), as a public programming cornerstone.
The goals of Latino Americans: 500 Years of History were:
  • to bring scholarship on Latino American histories and cultures to new audiences;
  • to engage people in examining and documenting the histories of Latino Americans in their communities; and
  • to foster understanding of local histories in regional, national and international contexts.
More than 200 grantees received:
  • Latino Americans, the award-winning, six-part documentary series, with public performance rights;
  • Cash grants of $3,000 to $10,000 to support a Latino Americans: 500 Years of History program series;
  • Promotional materials to support local outreach; and
  • Access to additional programming and humanities resources developed by national project scholars, librarian advisors and outreach experts.

Sampling of the programs that were held in 2015-16 as part of Latino Americans: 500 Years of History:

  • Durham County (N.C.) Library hosted an exhibit about the contributions of Latino military servicemen and women since the Civil War.
  • Grand Performances, a presenter of free performing arts in southern California, hosted screenings, discussions and recorded story circles on topics including Latina feminism, the importance of grassroots leadership and the value of arts and culture in emerging communities.
  • Bakersfield College (Bakersfield, Calif.) commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Delano grape strike with a three-day symposium about the farm workers movement.
  • The Fort Worth (Texas) Human Relations Commission collected stories and artifacts from Fort Worth's Latino community, culminating in an open house displaying the collection.
  • The Pioneer Valley History Network, a consortium of historical societies, museums, libraries and sites in western Massachusetts, created bilingual museum exhibits centered on current issues facing the area's growing Latino community.


Below is a sampling of Latino Americans: 500 Years of History in the news.

Media blamed for Latino stereotypes
Arizona City Independent, June 15, 2016

Grand Performances celebrate Latino and Chicano culture
89.3 KPCC, June 10, 2016

Latino artists' work will be on display in Raleigh
The Courier-Tribune, May 30, 2016

Share your stories and be part of local history
KRWG TV/FM, May 20, 2016

Vengan a la biblioteca: Libraries seek Latino readers
Argus Leader, April 29, 2016

Ignacio library project aims to expand access to oral history
The Durango Herald, April 21, 2016

Latino-American culture celebrated in library series
Poughkeepsie Journal, March 31, 2016

Historical society chronicles Emporia's Latino community
The Emporia Gazette, March 8, 2016

Roots of local Latino history celebrated in special city display at Leatherby Libraries
Neighbors of Chapman, March 1, 2016

Learn about digital storytelling, oral histories, and reaching underrepresented groups
University of Arkansas News, February 29, 2016

Rutgers Art Library hosts Cuban photography exhibit
Tap into East Brunswick, February 22, 2016

El festival latino americano en la universidad en Brockport
The Stylus, February 16, 2016

Five decades of history revivied
The Stylus, February 9, 2016

Ocean County Library presents educational Latino American series, February 4, 2016

Latino Americans: 500 Years of History screening Jan. 25
La Junta Tribune-Democrat, January 12, 2016

Community Focus 1-8-16
KCCU, January 8, 2016

SCENE @ CCSU: Exploring Latino Contributions to U.S. history
New Britain Herald, November 15, 2015

UALR, Arkansas Arts Center showcased Latino history
Hola Arkansas, October 29, 2015

Clarke libraries continue to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month
The Red & Black, October 1, 2015

Latin, two piano concert to connect cultures
Times Record News, October 1, 2015

Chicano historian Montejano to visit A&M - Commerce on Sept. 29
KETER Online, September 28, 2015

Fort Worth documenting its Latino history
Fort Worth Weekly, September 25, 2015

Oral history project to preserve stories of Latinos in Fort Worth
The Dallas Morning News, September 25, 2015

Latina/os in Turner Falls
The Public Humanist, September 25, 2015

Free screenings for PBS documentary about Latinos in America
The Spectrum, September 24, 2015

The grape strike at 50: colleges honor anniversary
The Bakersfield Californian, September 22, 2015

Latinos in Fort Worth encouraged to share family histories
NBCDFW, September 22, 2015

Maria Hinojosa visits SCL
Walter J. Brown Media Archives Blog, September 18, 2015

Author Ilan Stavans looks at legacy of Latino activist Cesar Chavez at Vermont Humanities Council event, September 16, 2015

ASU comenzará serie sobre Latino Americanos
Conexión San Ángelo, September 16, 2015

OJC to present Latino American documentary/discussion
Otero Junio College, September 14, 2015

Oral histories of Fort Worth's Hispanic communities sought
Star-Telegram, September 12, 2015

University libraries presents Latino Americans: 500 Years of History
University of Arkansas News, September 9, 2015

Exhibit - "Remembering World War II: Houston's Latino Veterans" on view
Hispanic Houston, August 23, 2015

Latino Americans: 500 Years of History, program series opening reception, August 20, 2015

Memories to be collected over a cup of coffee
Providence Journal, August 15, 2015

Fun at the Festival Latino
DelawaREADS, August 10, 2015

UWF Historic Trust receives Latino Americans: 500 Years of History grant
University of West Florida Newsroom, August 7, 2015

West Chicago Library planning programs with Latino Americans grant
Chicago Daily Herald, August 6, 2015

Latina/o heritage month activities planned at JJC
Joliet Junior College Newsroom, August 6, 2015

Latino Americans: 500 Years of History grant awarded to college
La Junta Tribune-Democrat, July 21, 2015

Altadena Library to host Latino American history programs
Pasadena Star-News, July 21, 2015

Nationwide grants give groups chance to learn Latino culture, history
NBC News, July 20, 2015

Exhibit & conversation with Rodrigo Lara at National Museum of Mexican Art
Gapers Block, July 17, 2015

Artist Rodrigo Lara discusses his solo exhibition, "Depotable Alients" with curator Dolores Mercado (NMMA) and critic Daniel R. Quiles (SAIC)
Illinois Humanities, July 16, 2015

Olathe Library gets grant to focus on Latino programs
The Kansas City Star, July 14, 2015

Library grant will help uncover local Latino history
Lafayette Journal & Courier, July 5, 2015

Branigan Cultural Center receives Latino Americans: 500 Years of History grant
KRWG TV/FM, June 26, 2015

Latino Americans: 500 Years of History
Rhode Island Council for the Humanities, June 24, 2015

GHC awarded $3,000 programming grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association
Northwest Georgia News, June 19, 2015