ERP report template
The COA Policy and Planning Subcommittee developed a template for ERP reports in an effort to increase consistency among reports, remove editorial commentary in reports, and focus report content on the standards. In fall 2016, a program piloted the template and the pilot was extended to ERPs for spring and fall 2017 site visits. Adjustments have been made to the template documents, based on feedback from the pilot participants, and the COA determined at its fall 2017 meeting that use of the template is required by all ERPs going forward. The following three documents pertain to the ERP report template. Please review, starting with the Instructions.
- ERP_report_template_instructions.docx - Instructions for using the report template and the worksheet.
- ERP_report_worksheet_REV_28Feb2019.docx - A worksheet for the ERP members to use before and during the site visit to note findings and comments for the narrative report. Use of the worksheet is recommended, but not required if panelists prefer to use an alternative data recording tool that captures the same information.
- ERP_report_narrative_template_REV_28Feb2019.docx - The ERP Report narrative template. This is the document that will ultimately be submitted to the program and COA. Use of the ERP report template is required.
- Zip file containing all the files listed above.