Julia J. Brody Public Librarian Scholarship

Listed below is a table of the ALA scholarship and eligibility requirements for individuals planning to specialize in the field of public librarianship. Applicants who have applied for admission to a formal program of library and information studies leading to a master's degree may apply for this scholarship.

Factors considered in making the award include:

  • Academic excellence,
  • Leadership, and
  • Evidence of commitment to a career in pubic librarianship.

Achievement in these areas may best be demonstrated by statements indicating the nature of library and other experience, by professional references, and by the personal statement (which is part of the online application).

This page provides information on the ALA scholarship for public librarian only. Many units of ALA also provide scholarships not listed here. View the complete list of scholarships and requirements on the Scholarship Comparison Guide.

Scholarship applications and all supporting documents must be received in the ALA Scholarship Clearinghouse by March 1st.

Please review the application procedures and start collecting supporting materials well before the deadline.

If you have questions or concerns on the ALA Scholarship for Library in New Media, please contact the ALA Scholarship Clearinghouse at 1.800.545.2433 ext. 4279 or email scholarships@ala.org.

Public Librarianship Scholarship
Julia J. Brody Public Librarian Scholarship Amount: $4,000

Installments: 2

Check to: Student
  • Must specialize in the field of public librarianship.
  • U.S. or Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident.
  • Attend ALA accredited Master's Program.
  • No more than 12 semester hours towards MLS/MLIS/MIS prior to June 1 of year awarded.
  • Personal Statement
Established to honor Julia Jussim Brody who began her distinguished career at the New York Public Library as a children’s librarian and, even while being an administrator, always retained her joy in children’s books and her concern with encouraging young readers.