For immediate release | March 5, 2013
Take embedded librarianship to the next level
CHICAGO — By popular demand, ALA TechSource announces a new iteration of its exciting workshop, Taking Embedded Librarianship to the Next Level with Buffy Hamilton.
You create value for your library and your own position within it when you become an instructional partner to faculty and a mentor to student researchers. Starting with Course management system tools and citations lists, Buffy J. Hamilton will show you how to use free or inexpensive Web-based tools to offer research instruction. By reaching out to students on the Web, you will make instruction available when it’s needed, and this ALA TechSource workshop will help you start a conversation with your community of learners and keep it going.
Topics include:
- Proven strategies for developing meaningful partnerships with instructors and students
- How to support content standards and teach information literacy using social media
- A toolbox tour—Google Apps, Twitter, YouTube, Skype and more
- Examples of how innovative librarians are applying these tools today
Registration for this ALA TechSource Workshop is available on the ALA Store. You can purchase registration at both individual and group rates. The workshop takes place at 4:30 p.m. Eastern/3:30 p.m. Central/2:30 p.m. Mountain/1:30 p.m. Pacific on Thursday, May 23. The session will last 90 minutes.
Buffy Hamilton is the learning strategist for the Cleveland Public Library in Cleveland. Previously, she was a high school librarian and teacher at The Unquiet Library in Canton, Ga. She has more than 20 years of experience in public education as a high school English teacher, technology integration specialist and librarian. Her interests include social media, participatory learning and culture, ethnographic studies, digital composition, personal learning environments, critical pedagogy and social scholarship. She was a 2011 Library Journal Mover and Shaker, and blogs at The Unquiet Librarian and ALA Learning.
ALA TechSource Workshops are designed to give you and your staff the opportunity to participate in a hands‐on learning experience that will help you make the best technology decisions for your library.
ALA TechSource is a publishing imprint of the American Library Association. ALA TechSource publishes Library Technology Reports and the ALA TechSource Blog.
ALA Store purchases fund advocacy, awareness, and accreditation programs for library professionals worldwide.
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