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Former ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels discusses the need for libraries
The following is a video of a speech by ALA Executive Director Keith Michael Fiels, delivered at Rotary Club of Chicago/Rotary One during National Library Week 2010.
Fiels discussed how Americans are turning to their libraries in ever larger numbers for access to resources, for employment, continuing education, and government services during tough economic times.
“Libraries are, quite simply, the embodiment of democracy,” performing the valuable function of informing citizens, providing information to all.
Fiels also talks about public libraries, calling them the people’s university. Libraries, Fiels says, value the individual. “In a society where mass media dominates, the library is a place where you can find out who you are by pursuing your own interests and your own passions.”
Public awareness and the need for libraries is promoted through ALA's Campaign for America's Libraries. The campaign is made possible in part through the generous support of our Library Champions.
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