Listing Pages & Taxonomies

Want To Make it Easier To Find Content on Your Site?  Use Listing Pages!

Listing pages

This powerful content type dynamically generates custom content based on the results of query based searches.  Listing pages work hand in hand with Taxonomies. Use terms from the Taxonomies (visible near the bottom of almost every content type).  Using a Listing page is a creative way to get your content to update other pages automatically.

Sample listing pages can be found all over in the Education and Careers eLearning area, Awards and Grants and AASL microsites.

More Powerful Search Results for Visitors!

Listing Pages can now be created to allow visitors to filter their search results.  You can choose from any of the fields offered in Taxonomies to have exposed for users to filter their searches on.

User Exposed filters. Check boxes to choose what fields visitors can filter their search results on

New listing pages can be requested by using this web form or Track-It request submitted by your Staff Liaison or Web Services manager.  If you have rights to add a listing page, check out how to create listing pages.

What are Taxonomies?

Taxonomies are a controlled list of terms (vocabularies)  that describe web pages and content behind the scenes so they can dynamically show up in logical places throughout the ALA website, using Listing Pages.  Taxonomy terms are meant to be read by humans (as opposed to web-crawling search bots).

Partial screenshot of Taxonomies command in Edit mode of Drupal Content

Taxonomies help identify pages in a logical way that a human searching for content might seek it.  Terms that you can currently associate with your content include:

  • sponsoring unit
  • geographic area
  • genre
  • audience
  • event type
  • controlled vocabulary

eLearning and Taxonomies: A Closer Look

snapshot overlay of ALA Units, Genre, Event Type and Controlled Taxonomy fields

To post an offering for display in eLearning, choose a minimum of the following two taxonomy fields:


In order for the eLearning listing page query to pull your offering, you would need to identify the Unit sponsoring the event or offering.  By selecting the unit from the listing of 122 units, divisions, round-tables, and affiliates in the ALA Units field, you would have fulfilled one (1) of two (2) taxonomies required for it to appear on the eLearning section.

Event Type

The other required taxonomy for an eLearning offering is found under Event Type.  The combination of both the Unit and eLearning Event Type will cause your page to display on the appropriate page in Offerings by ALA Units.

How Do I Remove Content from eLearning?

Just take off the Taxonomy tags and save your page. Your item will be removed from the listing page.  Do not delete or unpublish the page before removing the tags, as the listing will still show, but visitors who click on it will get a page not found (404 error).  If the Listing  page content does not update immediately, clear your browser's cache. Still not updating? Contact ITTS to ask for a site section cache clear. Once you have verified that the page no longer displays, it should be safe to either unpublish or even delete the page.