Women in Information Technology


To provide a forum and support network for individuals of all genders who are interested in issues and opportunities related to women in information technology fields. Programs and discussions will focus on mentoring, leadership development, and related topics.


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Displaying active committee roster as of 04/28/2024. Last retrieved on 04/28/2024. Members can log in and refresh the page to view full contact information for committee members.


Interest groups are self-initiated and not appointed by LITA officers. Membership consists of any number of participants and is open to LITA members. The leadership of each group is selected by the group.

Subcommittees & Task Forces

Each year a subgroup of this interest group self-organizes to run an AvramCamp preconference at the ALA Annual Conference. It is safe and welcoming space for women and non-binary technology library workers to explore common challenges faced, learn strategies for dealing with them, and discuss specific tools to build confidence,

AvramCamp begins by exploring Imposter Syndrome, the feeling that you aren’t actually qualified for the work you are doing and will be discovered as a fraud. Using the unconference model, participants then have the opportunity to choose the topics most relevant to them for discussion, such as salary negotiation, how to advocate for accomplishments/invisible work, and ways to promote diversity and equity in tech environments.

Our goal is to create a support network and increase participation from underrepresented groups in open technology and culture to further the library community’s goals of ensuring equitable access to information for everyone.

Learn more about AvramCamp and how you can support this valuable event and get involved.


The Women in Information Technology  Interest Group was established in 2016.

Get Involved

To join this interest group, send a message to sympa@lists.ala.org with the subject: subscribe lita-women-in-tech

Interest groups are open to all LITA members. Conference attendance is not required. To join a group, contact the chair, attend meetings, and get involved with their activities and discussions. See contact information in the above roster by logging in to the site and clicking your browser refresh button. If you need help, contact the LITA office at lita@ala.org.