Membership in YALSA

The Young Adult Library Services Association is a division of the American Library Association. Invest in your career and show your support for library services to teens and join YALSA! YALSA's goal is to ensure that all teens have access to high-quality library services. To aid professionals in this goal, YALSA provides a wealth of resources to librarians and library supporters to help them in their work with teens.

YALSA members are a diverse group of professionals who serve teens, including:

  • library support staff, young adult specialists, youth services librarians, reference librarians, managers, trustees, and administrators at public libraries
  • school librarians, reading specialists, educators and administrators in middle and high schools
  • graduate students in library science or young adult literature programs
  • librarians, instructors, and professors at academic institutions
  • librarians who work with teens in special libraries, including hospitals and correctional facilities
  • supporters of youth literacy, including corporations and authors

Join today!

Membership Benefits

YALSA members enjoy all benefits that ALA members receive (see a complete list of ALA benefits) as well as additional benefits just for them, including:

  • discounts on products and books, discounted registration for online courses, webinars, conferences, and more
  • more than $90,000 in grants, awards, scholarships, stipends, and contests for members each year
  • subscriptions to publications like YALSA's award-winning quarterly journal and a monthly e-newsletter
  • professional support, including networking, volunteer opportunities, and practical resources

See a full list of YALSA's members' only benefits.

Dues and Rates

You can join YALSA using a secure, electronic form. Membership dues and rates are:

  • $125 for regular members (first year; $65 for ALA/$60 for YALSA)
  • $158 for regular members (second year; $98 for ALA/$60 for YALSA)
  • $190 for regular members (third and later years; $130 for ALA/$60 for YALSA)
  • $58 for student members ($33 for ALA/$25 for YALSA)
  • $71 for nonsalaried members (unemployed, nonsalaried, or library support staff; $46 for ALA/$25 for YALSA)
  • $71 for retired members ($46 for ALA/$25 for YALSA)
  • $138 for international members ($78 for ALA/$60 for YALSA)
  • $84 for associate and advocate members ($59 for ALA/$25 for YALSA; appropriate for individuals who do not work in the library field but are interested in participating in the work of YALSA, such as authors, booksellers, parents, teachers, etc.)
  • $84 for Trustees ($59 for ALA/$25 for YALSA; appropriate for non-librarian members of governing boards, advisory groups, Friends organizations, and special citizen caucuses)
  • Organizational membership varies depending on institution size ($175-$2,000 for ALA/$70 for YALSA)
  • Corporate membership begins at $570. See other corporate opportunities with YALSA.

Learn More

Learn more about ALA membership and how to get involved in YALSA. Do you have questions about YALSA membership? Contact Letitia Smith at or 1-800-545-2433, ext. 4390.