YeLL! (YALSA e-Learning Library)

YeLL (YALSA e-Learning Library) is a collection of 40 archived webinars, accessible for free to all YALSA members, addressing topics such as programming, book selection, teen behavior, technology and teen services, summer reading, and teen spaces. New content is added to YeLL every month. These archived webinars are also available for purchase through ALA Online Learning Registration.

All webinars on this page are free to YALSA members and webinar subscribers within 48 hours of their original recording


Members and webinar subscribers can register for an upcoming webinar on the Members' Only Webinar Registration page. You must log into your ALA account in order to gain access to the page. If you are a webinar subscriber and do not have an account, you must first create an ALA account using the email address you used to purchase the webinar series in order to access the protected registration and archive pages.


Please note, in order to access the below pages, you must be logged into your ALA account.

View the full list of archived webinars or view by year below.

For more information on YALSA's continuing education programs, contact Carla Jamison, Program Officer, at