Current YALSA Task Forces

View the current YALSA Task Forces

A task force is an action-oriented membership group whose charge is to address specific goals, complete a specific task, or to consider a particular issue. There may be a designated time frame defined by the nature of the task or set forth in the function statement. Functions of a task force may include the following:

  1. Gathering information and making recommendations
  2. Studying an issue and preparing a report
  3. carrying out a specific project or activity
  4. Conducting programs at conferences
  5. Establishing committees or other subunits.

A task force is used to address critical, urgent, or ongoing situations which require a strong, visible organizational effort and/or activist response. Any parent body may establish a task force, determine its duration, monitor its progress, and terminate its function. (ALA Policy Manual, Article 6.9)

Many, but not all, YALSA task forces complete all of their work virtually and members are not required to attend conferences.

Advocacy Toolkit Task Force | Annual Conference Marketing & Local Arrangement | Mentoring | Presidential Initiatives Implementation | Social Media Marketing | Teen Summit Planning & Local Support | Teen Programming HQ Task Force | TeenTober Task Force | YA Services Symposium Marketing & Planning

Advocacy Toolkit Task Force

To review the YALSA Board Action Advocacy Toolkit for updates and report back to the YALSA Board in May 2024. Term January 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025

Annual Conference Marketing & Local Arrangements Task Force

To work with YALSA's Web Services Manager prior to the conference to create and disseminate online marketing materials that promote YALSA's presence at the ALA Annual Conference. To plan and implement YALSA local arrangements activities in close cooperation with YALSA's Program Officer for Conferences & Events, including assisting on-site with logistics for YALSA programs and overseeing teen participation for the ALA Annual Conference. Committee members aren't expected to attend Midwinter, but are expected to attend Annual. Committee size: to be determined, but including one member designated as Youth Participation Coordinator. Term: 6 months, January 1 - June 30.

Mentoring Task Force

Review applications submitted for the YALSA 2014 - 2015 mentoring program to determine applicants' eligibility. Using information provided in mentor and protégé applications select and match mentors and protégés from those applicants who are eligible. Submit selections/matches to YALSA's Program Officer for Continuing Education. Committee size: 5 - 7 virtual members.

Presidential Initiatives Implementation Task Force

To provide support, guidance and advice to the YALSA President in the implementation of their theme. Activities may include working with the President to review Organizational and Implementation Plans to develop and coordinate appropriate theme-related goals, activities, and initiatives. As appropriate, collaborate with relevant YALSA leaders and groups to implement theme-related activities, including but not limited to the blog managers, journal editors, and committee chairs. Taskforce size: 5 - 7 virtual members including chair. Term: 1 year term starting July 1 ending June 30 of the following year.

Social Media Marketing Task Force

This group will be responsible for using social media to widely market YALSA selection lists (Amazing Audiobooks, Best Fiction for Young Adults, Great Graphic Novels, Quick Picks and others) for the current and previous years, and the Teens' Top Ten list. The chair of the task force will work with the chair of the HUB and the selection list coordinators in this endeavor. This is a year-long, virtual opportunity with the option to renew for one year. Task force size: 5 - 7 members, including the chair. Term: One year, July 1 - June 30.

Teen Summit Planning & Local Support Task Force

To assist YALSA's Program Officer for Conferences & Events and CE Consultant with planning and implementation of a teen summit, to be held in conjunction with the 2019 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC. The purpose of the one day summit is to engage with teens who are not regular library users, especially those who come from underserved groups, to inform how YALSA can help libraries better serve these teens. Specific tasks include: providing input regarding the agenda and speakers, recommending area youth-serving organizations to help identify underserved teens from the DC area to participate, and helping on-site with logistics. Size 5 to 7 virtual members, including the chair. Term December 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019.

Teen Programming HQ Task Force

To evaluate potential collaborations between Teen Programming HQ and the YALSA Blog and/or Public Programming office, building on previous task force work. Identify partnership opportunities to enhance teen programming initiatives through these collaborations. Provide recommendations for optimizing the Teen Programming HQ site to maintain its status as a vital resource for members seeking examples, resources, and tools for teen programming and community engagement. Term January 1, 2025 through December 30, 2025.

TeenTober Task Force

To review the original board document to understand the purpose behind creating TeenTober and discontinuing Teen Tech Week and Teen Reading Week. They'll then analyze current participation using surveys and social media metrics. Based on this evaluation, they'll make recommendations for revamping TeenTober. Term January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025

YA Services Symposium Marketing & Planning Task Force

To assist YALSA's Program Officer with the planning and marketing of the conference, including vetting papers and proposals, vetting scholarship applications, assisting the Program Officer with identifying authors and keynote speakers, and leveraging social media tools to promote the event and scholarship opportunities, and more. Members will regularly share content via social media and through their state and local networks to build excitement for and share information about the event. Members will work with YALSA's Communications Specialist to assist with the implementation of a marketing plan. Size: 5 to 7 virtual members, including the chair. Term: 12 months, December 1--November 31.