We Need Your Expertise
RUSQ Relaunch
Guidelines & Resources
Welcome! The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) is pleased to provide tools to help you in your job. The resources provided in the links
Catch up with RUSA!
Did you miss a HOT RUSA webinar? Don't fret, check out the list of recordings available for purchase today: Supporting an Informed Citizenry with State
About RUSA
The Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) is a division of the American Library Association. RUSA serves all types of libraries in reference, user services, adult readers advisory and collection development as well as resource sharing, genealogy and archives, business reference and reference technology.
RUSA has six specialty sections that are free to RUSA members.
Get Involved: Volunteer!
RUSA Sections
Should you be a BRASS member?
BRASS Members: Log into ALA Connect to engage.
CODES offers seven awards for outstanding books and reference works:
- Notable Books for Adults (the year’s 25 most important works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry)
- Outstanding Reference Sources (outstanding reference publications for small and medium-sized libraries)
- The Reading List (top fiction in eight genres)
- The Sophie Brody Award (achievement in Jewish literature)
- Dartmouth Medal (the most significant reference work)
- The Listen List: Outstanding Audiobook Narration
- Essential Cookbooks: The CODES List::
Plus two achievement awards:
- Zora Neale Hurston Award (demonstrated leadership in promoting African American literature)
- Louis Shores Award (acknowledgement for excellence in book reviewing and other media for libraries)
Connect with the History Section!
- Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
- Join the RUSA History Section Discussion List (Open Forum) on RUSA Connect.
Communicate with RSS on ALA Connect.
Get Involved!
In addition to connecting with our section, join an RSS committee. Members of RSS committees:
- Organize programs and host discussion forums;
- Write and maintain Standards, Guidelines, and Recommendations that help librarians worldwide; and
- Develop tutorials, administer surveys, and discuss developments in reference services.
To express interest in joining a committee, complete the ALA Volunteer Form and select RUSA, RSS.
RUSA STARS' 5 Things Every New Resource Sharing Librarian Should Know
Are you new to Resource Sharing and Inter-library Loan? Check out these tips and resources put together by your colleagues!
Get Involved with RUSA STARS!
The majority of the committee and task force appointments are made in the spring by matching STARS members' interests and background with the section's needs. If you are interested in contributing your ideas and talent to a STARS committee, please contact Hilary Thompson, hthomps1@umd.edu.
RUSA's Interest Groups
Continuing Education
RUSA abounds with opportunities for you to extend and refine your expertise: Everything from in-person programs at ALA Conference to webinars and eCourses. Whether you want to acquire new skills or sharpen your current skills, RUSA's online courses and webinars offer convenient and flexible learning opportunities on both basic and advanced topics.
Connect with RUSA
RUSA Calendar