Housing and Travel-2023

Housing information for the Young Adult Services Symposium

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Room Block Open

The 2023 YA Services Symposium room block is now open at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis Arch. The room rate for the Renaissance is $149 a night from Wednesday, Nov. 8 through Monday, November 13th. Make your reservations today on the YALSA reservation portal to access the YALSA room block. If you prefer to call phone number is 314-655-1234, please reference the YALSA Symposium. The room block will close on Wednesday, October 18, 2023. If the reservation site is closed, please email LaMoya Burks at lburks@ala.org with your request.

It's recommended to book early, especially if you want to stay extra nights before or after the Symposium. You can always cancel if it doesn't work out.

The Symposium begins with an opening session on Friday, November 10h at 5pm. There are optional pre-conferences during the day on Friday. The Symposium will end mid-day on Sunday, November 12th.

YALSA's YA Services Symposium will be held at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch located next to Gateway Arch National Park. Just steps away from the attractions like Gateway Arch, Ballpark Village and Busch Stadium and so much more!

Housing questions? Contact LaMoya Burks, lburks@ala.org. Join the conversation about the event on Twitter with this hashtag: #YALSA23