Registration 2015
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Ticketed Events Requiring Additional Registration | Registration Rates | Download Badges
Online registration is now closed. You may still register onsite at the event.
Rates start as low as $59! What is included with registration?
- Opening session on Friday evening
- Educational programming on Saturday from 8:30am-5pm, and 8:30am-1:00pm on Sunday, with the option to register for additional events Friday.
- Attendees will have access to two free webinars
- A certificate of participation with your contact hours (to receive the certificate, there will be a sign up sheet on site)
- Refreshment breaks mid morning on Saturday and Sunday and an afternoon break on Saturday
- A Symposium bag
Please download and send in this paper registration form If you are:
- an Oregon Library Association Member (if you are also a YALSA member, you can register online for the same discount)
- paying with a check or purchase order
- a speaker
If you have questions about registration, contact YALSA Program Officer Nichole O'Connor at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 4387 or at Badge pickup: All badges will need to be picked up onsite in Portland at symposium check-in, beginning Friday morning. Register now.
Ticketed Events
Supporting Youth Learning Through Building Sustainable Partnerships, Friday, 9:00am-12:00pm, $79
What do Seattle Public Library, Multnomah County Library, the Pacific Science Center, the Portland Art Museum, Game Education PDX, and the National Writing Project have in common? They've all recognized that working closely with community partners can maximize the impact of their work. However, sometimes it can be difficult to build and sustain those partnerships. In this interactive preconference, discover how you can use the partnership lessons learned by a wide variety of institutions to achieve success in your work for and with teens. You'll find out what not to do as well as what to do and leave with tools for building trust, relationships, collective impact and community outcomes.
Hip Hop Dance and Scratch: Facilitating Connected Learning in Libraries, Friday, 1:30-4:30pm, $79
Although coding is often viewed as an activity for a tech-savvy minority, creating and expressing oneself with technology are key fluencies for participation in society today. How can we support youth in their creative digital work, both in the physical library space as well as in their community? This hands-on workshop will present an approach for offering interest-driven coding workshops using Scratch (a creative coding environment), based on the connected learning framework. Based on this design experience, we will discuss ways to develop and facilitate connected learning activities for youth in libraries. We will share ideas, resources, and best practices from implementing these workshops, as well as lessons learned. All levels of experience welcome, from newcomers to those experienced using Scratch. Bring a laptop (if available) to this hands-on session. To learn more about Scratch, visit
Panels & Pages: Learning, Inspiring, and Building Communities with Graphic Novels, Friday, 1:30-4:30pm, $79
Graphic Novels are often seen as a stepping stone to entice reluctant readers into “real reading”, but today’s graphic novels deserve much more credit. Come learn about the growing diversity in comics, how to get the right graphic novel into the hands of readers, how librarians can use graphic novels to spark their programming ideas, and how to use graphic novels in the classroom. Hear from librarians, teachers, and creators in this half day event and leave with recommended titles, creators to seek out, and further resources to consult.
Author Luncheon featuring Jack Gantos, Saturday, 12:00-1:30pm, $49
Symposium Registration Rates
Early Bird Rate runs April 1-September 15, 2015.
$199 YALSA Personal Member
$199 Oregon Library Association Members
$249 ALA Personal Member
$310 Nonmembers
$59 Students (enrolled full-time in a library program)
Advanced registration runs September 16 - October 13, 2015.
$249 YALSA Personal Member
$249 Oregon Library Association Members
$299 ALA Personal Member
$359 Nonmember
$59 Student (enrolled full-time in a library program)
Onsite fees apply to registrations made on or after October 14, 2015.
$279 YALSA Personal Member
$279 Oregon Library Association Members
$329 ALA Personal Member
$379 Nonmember
$79 Student Member (enrolled full-time in a library program)
Download Badges
Are you coming to the symposium this fall? Are you a speaker or presenter? Show your pride with downloadable badges for your blog or website!
Use this code with your image: <a title="I'm attending the 2015 YA Services Symposium!" href="">
Use this code with your image: <a title="I'm presenting at the 2015 YA Services Symposium!" href="">