Writing Award Jury

Between December and January review the submissions forwarded to the jury by the editors and blog managers of each publication and select one winner per publication, based on criteria outlined in the writing award's policies and procedures. Work with YALSA's communications Manager to issue a press release announcing the winners by February 1st

  • Current personal membership in YALSA
  • Have the necessary time to commit to devote to the work of the group
  • Are skilled in conducting work virtually through tools such as ALA Connect, video chats, Google Docs and more
  • Enjoy working in a team environment
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Good communication skills
  • Have enthusiasm for supporting and advancing YALSA's commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Want to give back to the organization and help YALSA achieve its goals
  • Personal integrity and a commitment to upholding YALSA's Ethical Behavior Policy

Term: November 1 through January 31

Jury size: 5 - 7 virtual members

Staff liaison: Letitia Smith