YALSA and ALA's Emerging Leaders Initiative

Applications for Emerging Leaders are no longer being accepted, as of August 16, 2007.

Emerging Leaders 2008 is an initiative of ALA’s Human Resource Development & Recruitment and will welcome and train 120 new librarians to get a jump-start in leadership. EL’08 kicks off with a day-long session during the 2008 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia, PA. Afterward, it will grow and develop online for six months, culminating at the 2008 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA. Once the training is over, new leaders will put their leadership skills to use by accepting a term of service on an ALA, Division, Round Table or chapter committee, task force, working group, or project team. Applicants must commit to participating in all four phases of the program.

When and Where:

  • January 11, 2008 in Philadelphia
  • June 27, 2008 in Anaheim
  • In a virtual work group from January to June
  • After June serve a term on a committee or work group (depending on the committee, members may be required to attend conferences during their term of service)

Why: To enable 120 young or new librarians to get on the fast track to ALA and professional leadership.

Who is eligible: ( the program is accepting up to 120 participants--60 sponsored and 60 open)

  1. ALA member, and
  2. Young (under 35 years) or new librarians of any age with fewer than 5 years post-MLS experience, and
  3. Recent MLS degree from an ALA or NCATE accredited program or in an MLS program currently, and
  4. Able to attend both ALA conferences and work virtually in between, and
  5. Ready to commit to serve on an ALA, Division, Chapter, or Round Table committee, taskforce or workgroup upon completion of program.
  6. The sponsored YALSA member will be required to submit a final report to YALSA’s Board of Directors after the 2008 Annual Conference.

What: Two days of training, participation in a problem solving workgroup, networking with 100 of your peers, getting an inside look into ALA structure, an opportunity to serve your profession.

How: Training is free. All ALA Divisions, Roundtables, and Chapters have been invited to sponsor applicants. YALSA will sponsor one member to participate by providing $500 per conference to defray travel costs (your employer may also wish to contribute toward transportation and lodging).

  • If you are a YALSA member who meets the eligibility requirements and wants to be sponsored by YALSA:
    • Fill out and submit the
      YALSA application (Word document), a current resume and a letter of recommendation from another YALSA member to
      byoke@ala.org by no later than Aug. 15, 2007.
  • If you are not a YALSA member or if you do not want to seek YALSA sponsorship:

For more information:

  • For general information about the ALA Emerging Leaders Initiative, visit
    http://wikis.ala.org/emergingleaders. For additional questions regarding the program, contact: Lorelle Swader at:


  • For specific questions regarding YALSA’s sponsorship of one member, email
    byoke@ala.org or call 1.800.545.2433 x4391