How does a YALSA member receive a nomination to run for the Board?
Between Jan. and Aug. of each year YALSA’s Governance Nominating Committee develops a slate of candidates that will stand for election. Those interested in running for a YALSA Board position are asked to fill out a form that provides information on the potential candidate’s qualifications for the position for which they may be asked to run. Individuals can nominate themselves or other YALSA members.
How can I become a member of the YALSA Board?
Contact the current chair of the Governance Nominating Committee and them know of your interest in running for a Board position. You’ll find the current chair’s name and contact information on the YALSA Committee Chair information page of the Association’s web site.
When is the YALSA slate announced?
The slate is announced each October on YALSA’s web site.
When do elections take place?
Elections take place online in March and April of each year at the same time that ALA holds all of the elections for the Association.
Who can vote in YALSA elections?
All members of YALSA, whose membership is in good standing as of January 31 st each year are eligible to vote in the election.
Should I run for board or president?
There are lots of issues for you to consider before you throw your hat in the ring. A good article on this topic is available on the ASAE web site. It would also be beneficial for you to talk with individuals who are currently serving or who have recently served in the capacity that you’re thinking about.
Visit YALSA’s wiki for more information.
Who serves on the Executive Committee?
As per the YALSA bylaws, the Executive Committee is made up of the Officers of the Board. They are the President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary, Fiscal Officer and Division Councilor. The association’s Executive Director is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee.
What’s the difference between the Executive Committee and the Board?
The Board is the 17 member governing body of the association and meets face-to-face two times per year, but works year-round. The Executive Committee works to build strong ties with ALA and to monitor YALSA fisal matters. More information about the Board and the Executive Committee are available at:
When does the YALSA Board meet?
The YALSA Board meets face-to-face two times a year, at ALA’s Annual Conference and at ALA’s Midwinter Meeting. They also hold discussions as needed via video conference. All Board meetings are announced on the YALSA web site and are open to members of YALSA.
When does the YALSA Executive Committee meet?
The YALSA Executive Committee meets four times a year. They meet face-to-face at the ALA Annual Conference and Midwinter meeting. The Executive Committee also meets each fall and spring via conference call. Other meetings may be called as necessary. All Executive Committee meetings are open to members of YALSA.
How do I find out what the YALSA Board is going to discuss at their meetings?
All agendas and supporting documents for YALSA Board and Executive Committee meetings are posted on the YALSA web site, in the Governance section, approximately two weeks before a scheduled meeting. Previous documents are also available in the Governance section of the web site.
What types of decisions is the YALSA Board empowered to make?
As per the YALSA bylaws, “the administration of the affairs of YALSA shall be vested in a Board of Directors.” The YALSA Board determines the mission and purpose of the organization and then oversees the implementation of programs and services that help YALSA advance its mission. The Board ensures that the organization has adequate financial resources and also helps select the Executive Director.
What is the relationship of the Executive Director to the Board and Executive Committee?
The YALSA Executive Director supports decisions of the Board by working with YALSA staff to guarantee that the programs and initiatives decided on by the Board are effectively implemented. As per the YALSA bylaws, the Executive Director is an ex-officio member of the Board and Executive Committee and is a nonvoting member of both groups.
How does the Board communicate with the member groups?
Each YALSA Board member is assigned several committees, task forces, advisory, boards, and/or juries with which he or she acts as a liaison between the member group and the Board. Chairs of these member groups are asked to let their Board liaison know if there issues arise that need to be addressed. And, Board liaisons check-in with member groups periodically to see how their work is progressing. A full list of liaisons is available the YALSA web site.
How does the Board communicate with the membership?
Each year YALSA holds a membership meeting at the ALA Annual Conference. Members are encouraged to use this time to ask questions and share ideas and concerns. Board and governance information is also included in YALSA’s quarterly journal, YALS, in section called The Update, as well as in the weekly eNews, and on the YALSAblog. Via the YALSAblog, YALSA’s President sends out regular, often monthly, reports to the membership with updates about governance activities. Occasionally the Board will also direct staff to conduct a member survey in order to gather feedback from the membership on a particular topic.
What is YALSA’s relationship with ALA?
YALSA is one of eight divisions of ALA. As a part of ALA, YALSA must abide by policies set by ALA’s governing body, ALA Council. YALSA’s Board of Directors includes a Division Councilor, whose responsibility is to represent YALSA on ALA Council.
How can YALSA members share questions, concerns and ideas with the Board?
Each year YALSA holds a membership meeting at the ALA Annual Conference. Members are encouraged to use this time to ask questions and share ideas and concerns. Members may also contact the YALSA President at any time and/or fill out a Request for Board Action form. YALSA's President typically holds Virtual Member Town Halls a few times a year, too. Check YALSA's Google Calendar for dates and details.
How can I contact Board members?
Visit the YALSA web site for contact information.
Should I Run for Board or President?
There are lots of issues for you to consider before you throw your hat in the ring. A good article on this topic is available on the ASAE web site. It would also be beneficial for you to talk with individuals who are currently serving or who have recently served in the capacity that you’re thinking about.
Visit YALSA’s wiki for more information.
What if I have more questions?
Please contact the the Executive Director, Tammy Dillard-Steels, at 800-545-2433 ext 4391 or tdillard@ala.org