Teen Read Week

Function: To assist with the planning and implementation of a week-long national initiative to that gives libraries the opportunity to encourage all teens to read for the fun of it. Committee responsibilities include: Developing content for the Teen Read Week web site such as professional resources for library staff, program ideas and lists of recommended resources; promoting Teen Read Week through efforts such as: contributing items to appropriate magazines, blogs, etc. for the library and education fields and/or offering conference programs and publications as appropriate; assisting staff with the selection of an annual theme. Committee Size: 7 virtual members, including at least two members from the previous year

Committee Size: 7 virtual , including at least two members from the previous year.


  • Current personal membership in YALSA
  • In order to accomplish work in a virtual environment taskforce members must be competent users of virtual tools, including but not limited to wikis, e-chats and ALA Connect.
  • Strong marketing skills
  • Experience with planning and implementing reading celebrations
  • Up-to-date on teen trends and pop culture

For additional information on the responsibilities of committee/jury/taskforce members, visit YALSA's Handbook.

Term of Office: 1 year, commencing after the ALA Annual Conference and ending after Annual.

Appointments: To serve on this committee you must be a personal member of YALSA. Complete a volunteer form sometime between Dec. 1 and Mar. 1.

Staff Liaison: Anna Lam

Type: Standing

Date of Completion: Continuing

History: Established Midwinter 2000, updated March 2011