Partnerships Advocating for Teens (PAT) Committee Description

Type: Standing

Date of Establishment: Annual, 1975; per YALSA Board action in July 2009, this committee will transition into an
interest group from July 1, 2010 forward.

Date of Completion: Continuing

Membership: 7, including Chair


  • Current membership in YALSA
  • In order to accomplish work in a virtual environment, committee/jury/taskforce members must be competent users of web 2.0 tools, including but not limited to wikis, e-chats and
    ALA Connect.

For information on the responsibilities of committee/jury/taskforce members, visit
YALSA's Handbook.

Term of Office: 2 years

Function: To explore, recommend, initiate, and implement ways of working with other organizations that work for youth.

History: See the NOSYAL folder in the YALSA files for the latest lists of national organizations.

The committee's name was changed from National Organizations Serving the Young Adult Liaison (NOSYAL) Committee by Board action, July 2000.