Organization and Bylaws
Function: To periodically review the Bylaws and, when necessary, to recommend revision and amendment to improve them for the effective management of the Division, for the achievement of its stated objectives, and to keep them in harmony with ALA Constitution and Bylaws; to study and review committee functions, recommending changes in committee structure; to regularly review and when necessary recommend and draft revision of content for the YALSA Handbook; and to make recommendations on other appropriate policy and process matters. Term: July 1, through June 30
Type: Standing
Date of Establishment: 1979
Date of Completion: Continuing
Membership: 1 chair, who sits ex-officio on the YALSA board, and 6 virtual members including at least two members from the previous year. The Chair is an ex-officio member of the YALSA Board of Directors.
- Current membership in YALSA
- In order to accomplish work in a virtual environment taskforce members must be competent users of digital tools, including but not limited to wikis, e-chats and ALA Connect.
- Thorough knowledge of YALSA policies and procedures
- Good analytical skills
- Technical writing experience
- Good communication skills
Term of Office: July 1 through June 30
- Bylaws
- Periodically review the Bylaws for inner consistency, consistency with current practice and conformity with the ALA Constitution and Bylaws.
- Consider suggestions for Bylaws changes (from Executive Director, Board, Officers and/or membership) and submit recommended changes to the YALSA Board for review.
- YALSA Handbook
- Revise the content in the YALSA Handbook of Organization, as needed, including after Board actions at the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference.
- Periodically review and analyze the Bylaws for consistency with divisional goals in relation to current activities, practices and procedures; to suggest to the Board and YALSA staff areas in conflict and areas in need of expansion or revision.
- To aid the Executive Director, as requested, in manual revision.
- Committee & Organizational Structure
- To consider, at the request of the Board or of any committee, recommendations for new organizational patterns (e.g. committee formation, committee dissolution, committee names or name changes, function statements and number of committee members needed to undertake the tasks assigned, the qualifications for committee members, if appropriate) in relation to the YALSA area of responsibility, goals and good management practices. To make specific recommendations for action to the YALSA Board in these areas. Whenever the establishment of a new member group is recommended, the O&B Committee reviews the proposal with an eye towards YALSA's overall organizational structure to prevent duplication and ensure alignment with YALSA's mission and goals.
- To review annually at the Annual Conference the reports of YALSA chairs to the Board. To advise the Board when, in the O&B committee's opinion, activities have grown too varied to be handled by one member group, or have decreased to a level that Board review of a group's usefulness is needed; to assure the Board that all current activities are in line with the committee's function statement, YALSA's goals and mission.
- To make other recommendations to the Board in regard to YALSA organization and structure as needed.
History: The Bylaws Committee was the Constitution and Bylaws Committee of the Association for Young People's Librarians which then became the Bylaws Committee of YASD. Initially established, September, 1970 as a Special Committee, the Organization Committee, authorized by Article IX, Section 5; changed to a standing Committee by Board approval, January, 1974, ratified by membership, July, 1974.l; charge updated March 2011, March 2018
Staff Liaison: LaMoya Burks