Financial Advancement Committee

description of YALSA's Financial Advancement Committee

Charge: Provide oversight and continued enhancement of the Friends of YALSA program, including promotion, fundraising and donor recognition. Work with the Board and staff year-round to create and implement virtual fundraising campaigns and fundraising efforts at conferences, aimed at both members and others, to support the $19,595 worth of member scholarships and stipends YALSA gives out annually. Periodically review YALSA's Fundraising Toolkit and make updates, as needed. Term: July 1, through June 30

Size - 1 chair, who sits ex-officio on the YALSA board, and a least one member from the previous year.

Committee Size: 1 chair, who sits ex-officio on the YALSA board, and 6 virtual members, including at least one member from the previous year.

Term: July 1 through June 30


  • Current membership in YALSA
  • To accomplish year-round work in a virtual environment taskforce members must be competent users of digital tools, including but not limited to Google docs, Skype and ALA Connect.
  • Marketing skills, including use of social media
  • Fundraising and/or donor recognition experience
  • Good interpersonal and writing skills
  • Strong organizational skills

Staff Liaison: LaMoya Burks

For more more information about the work of FAC, read this YALSAblog post. For information on the responsibilities of committee/jury/taskforce members, visit YALSA's Handbook