District Days

Charge: To encourage library staff to advocate for and with teens through local engagement with members of Congress whenever they are on recess, especially in July and August; to provide library staff with access to information, best practices, training, tools and resources to help them build relationships with elected officials and inform officials about the critical role libraries play in supporting teen school success and college and career readiness; to track District Days participation by members; to collect and share out member stories about their advocacy efforts. Term: April 1, through September 30

Committee size: 7 virtual members including at least two members from the previous year.


  • Current membership in YALSA
  • In order to accomplish work in a virtual environment taskforce members must be competent users of web 2.0 tools, including but not limited to wikis, e-chats and ALA Connect.
  • Legislative advocacy experience
  • Knowledge of issues and legislation impacting the library community

Staff Liaison: Tammy Dillard-Steels