Approval of Minutes from the 09 Midwinter Meeting
Item # 1
YALSA Board of Directors Meeting
Conference Call
March 5, 2009
Background: Minutes are the official record of the Board. It is important that they be as accurate as possible. Any oversights or errors should be identified and corrected for the permanent record. The minutes below have been submitted by Francisca Goldsmith, YALSA’s Secretary, for the Board’s approval.
Action Required:
Board I
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Present: Sarah Cornish Debraski, Linda Braun, Paula Brehm-Heeger, Christine Allen, Mary Hastler, Francisca Goldsmith, Erin Helmrich, Kimberly Patton, Michele Gorman, Dawn Rutherford, Ruth Cox Clark, Cindy Welch, Sheila Schofer, Melissa Rabey, Beth Yoke
Regrets: Sandra Payne
Observers: Franklin Escobedo, GLBTQ Round Table; Terri Kirk, ALA Executive Representative; Audra Caplan, BARC; Cara Kinsey; Lorraine Squires; Kelly Czernaki; Nick Buron
Meeting called to order at 1:30 by Sarah Cornish Debraski
Linda Braun appointed timekeeper
Information Forum
Debraski: check this am’s sign in sheet and contact chairs with whom you liaise who were absent
Paula Brehm-Heeger called attention to ALA President Elect Camila Alire’s initiative on advocacy: “Libraries: the heart of all communities” and the particular connection between literacy and advocacy; does message resonate with ALA members and their constituencies? Brehm-Heeger is on Alire’s task force working to get out message so please respond to Brehm-Heeger with any feedback on the proposed initiative
Beth Yoke update on ticketed Midwinter events of 1/23/09: 43 at institute; Tech Playground/YALSA mixer ~70, including Gates Foundation representative
Franklin Escobedo: Round Table still hopes to create awards and list for GLBTQ youth
Debraski: good feedback from attendees at this morning’s Leadership meeting
Terri Kirk: CPSIA and library books concerns; making the case for libraries in tough economic times; House version of stimulus package includes references to libraries; drew attention to ALA’s Advocating for Libraries in Tough Economic Times Toolkit and “Libraries make the difference” web resources. Upcoming: PSA campaign targeting Latinos in top 20 radio markets in US. Registration for MW09 is close to last year; no paper ballots this year except where disability requires, saving ALA $70,000; portfolio loss at ~23% most directly touches scholarships; membership survey coming in spring (Feb 23-March 13) to help develop the strategic plan for next 5 years; task force for electronic participation report has arrived; open meetings issue still unresolved; today’s Town Hall Meeting “What We’d Like President Obama to Know about Libraries”; membership meetings this weekend; loan to APA being restructured; support staff certification program for public and academic libraries coming from ALA-APA a year ahead of schedule; National Library Workers Day will be April 14
Kirk was thanked by Board for her report
Audra Caplan: economy bad and reflected in ALA revenues; trends are being noted and estimates are being revised for Annual; 2010 budget instructions include pay increases that may come off table; capital improvements to YALSA office ongoing; BARC budget guidelines developed last year are being used and will go on website with recommendation for all divisions to adopt; Caplan running for PLA President and would bring youth interests forward
Motions (Preliminary)
Motion #1
Brehm-Heeger moved and Christine Allen seconded to adopt the agenda with flexibility. Motion passed.
Motion #2 (Document #15)
Kimberly Patton moved that the YALSA Board move the Freedom to Read Foundation 40th Anniversary resolution out of the Consent Agenda for Board discussion. Ruth Cox Clark seconded and the motion passed.
Motion #3 (Document #15)
Brehm-Heeger moved that the YALSA Board accept the Freedom to Read Foundation 40th Anniversary resolution as amended to say “founded by Judith Krug” in the opening sentence. Mary Hastler seconded. Motion passed.
Motion #4 (Documents #1-15)
Braun moved that the YALSA board approve the Consent items on the agenda. Hastler seconded and the motion passed.
Mega-Issue Discussion
Addressing Expanding Adolescent Years
The Board’s discussion noted that “expanding” could refer both downward to encompass tweens and upward to encompass young adults between 18 and ~22, with the tween groups also in the purview of another youth division and the older young adults lacking in service. Wile it may be the right time to address the three-year overlap with ALSC, the Board in general identified more compelling reasons for attending to addressing the needs of post-18-year-old youth, an age group now largely lost in and to libraries. It was suggested that a future Board Planning meeting might be a good venue for a specialist who can educate us about the ramifications, especially social and psychological, other service organizations seek to address in meeting older youths’ needs, with our niche being that of information literacy (including personal literacy needs). Filling this service gap would also address a member need gap in big ALA, where school information literacy is addressed but the daily living information processes and needs of older youth go unaddressed.
Consensus was reached that we should explore the older end of the expanding adolescent years.
To do:
- Sarah will encourage members to start a Discussion Group
- Sarah will explore with ALSC President Pat Scales the overlap years (12-14)
Motions (Action Items)
Motion #5 (Document #21)
Brehm-Heeger moved that the YALSA Board accept the petition and approve the creation of the Readers Advisory Interest Group. Seconded by Dawn Rutherford and passed.
Motion #6 (Document #17)
Michele Gorman moved that the YALSA Board allow YALSA’s Councilor, Christine Allen, to vote her conscience. Seconded by Hastler. Motion passed.
Motion #7 (Document #18)
Hastler moved that the YALSA Board accept the established budget priorities, Motion
Motion #8 (Document #19)
Brehm-Heeger moved that the YALSA Board accept the revised YALSA Board Responsibilities as written. Seconded by Hastler. Motion passed.
To do: Brehm-Heeger thanked those who worked with her and points out need to act on updated committee liaison responsibilities
Motion #9 (Document #20)
Cindy Welch moved that the YALSA Board establish a Summer Reading Interest Group. Seconded by Erin Helmrich. Motion passed.
Motion #10 (Document #25)
Welch moved that the YALSA Board accept the request as written for the creation of a Technology Award. Rutherford seconded. Motion failed.
Motion #11 (Document #25)
Braun moved that the YALSA Board direct Kelly Czarnecki to go back to the Technology for Young Adults Committee and discuss the issue brought up by the Board and come back at Annual with a new proposal. Melissa Rabey seconded and the motion
Motion #12 (Item Document #22)
Patton moved that the YALSA Board accept in concept the Revised Charge and direct Organization & Bylaws to clarify the wording. Hastler seconded and motion passed.
Motion #13
Brehm-Heeger moved that the YALSA Board approve the change proposed of the Nominating Committee term as written in Document #23. Helmrich seconded
and motion passed.
Motion #14
Brehm-Heeger moved the YALSA Board approve the request for action related to PPYA Committee as written in Document #24. Seconded by Rabey. Motion failed.
To do: Liaison will inform chair of motion’s failure and reasons.
Motion #15 (Document #24)
Brehm-Heger moved that the YALSA Board direct Organization & Bylaws to examine all Selected Lists policies for uniformity, returning to the Board with suggestions for consistent language, with a draft by Annual 2009 Conference, and a final report by the Fall Executive meeting of 2009. Seconded by Goldsmith and motion passed.
Motion #16 (Document #26)
Clark moved that the YALSA Board accept the Research Committee’s mission statement and referring process for a YALSA refereed online research journal and direct the YALSA President to appoint the Journal’s advisory board of 3-5 members. Welch seconded. Motion passed.
Discussion Items
Document #27
Discussion, committee by committee
To do:
- Dawn to follow up on Advocacy Task force work on Sunday, Jan. 25.
- Each Board member will propose a solution to the issues arising from BBYA difficulties that are common to other lists and their uses.
- Organization & Bylaws will evaluate their committee charge, rewrite it so that it is more up to date and submit the new charge to the Board for approval.
- Board Liaison will let the Teen Read Week Committee know that the concept of Teen Read Month has already been explored and will not be pursued at this time. Kim will encourage the committee to create resources to help libraries expand TRW into a month and post on the TRW page on the wiki.
Motion #17
Moved by Hastler to adjourn for the day. Seconded by Clark. Motion passed.
Board II
January 25, 2009
Present: Sarah Cornish Debraski, Linda Braun, Paula Brehm-Heeger, Christine Allen, Mary Hastler, Francisca Goldsmith, Erin Helmrich, Kimberly Patton, Michele Gorman, Dawn Rutherford, Ruth Cox Clark, Cindy Welch, Sheila Schofer, Melissa Rabey, Beth Yoke
Regrets: Sandra Payne
Observers and visitors: Franklin Escobedo; Roberta Stevens, ALA President candidate;
Kent Oliver, ALA President candidate; Marcie Merola, ALA Office of Library Advocacy
Sarah Cornish Debraski called back to order at 4:05 pm
Information Forum :
Beth Yoke: Update on lead in books issue
Debraski: Today’s
Cognotes published that GLBTQ award will be expanded to include children and young adult titles
Franklin Escobedo: This is in the works; any member of GLBTQ Roundtable can serve on Stonewall Awards committee
To do: Ruth Cox Clark will take back to the committee and communicate YALSA’s interest in providing memberships to Rainbow Recommended List
Presentations by ALA president candidates Roberta Stevens and Kent Oliver
Discussion Items
Document #27 Preconference Reports
Discussion continued and concluded
Document #36 YALSA’s Role in Advocating
Marci Merola presented information on “Add It Up,” a collection of research meant to help librarians advocate, and the “Advocating in a Tough Economy” Toolkit, both of which are available on the ALA web site. She described an effort to create “Building State Coalitions,” resources to sustain advocacy efforts undertaken by President Rettig, and elicited suggestions from the Board for
The Board shared concerns heard from members about teen staff sustainability in these economic times and the needs for specific teen space in libraries; staff shared the pushback from members who want response to the needs of school librarian members. Marci will look into how the school librarian piece could be addressed appropriately by YALSA’a advocacy work with teen staff.
For follow up: Is there a connection to be made between YALSA white papers and some of these advocacy issues?
YALSA Advocacy Task Force and Legislative Committee are working to provide 28 Days of Advocacy blogs during February.
Motion #18
Hastler moved to extend the Board meeting twenty minutes past the scheduled adjournment time. Seconded by Cindy Welch and passed.
Motion #19 (Document #37)
Linda Braun moved to accept white paper on YA services in LIS curricula and thank Don Latham for his work. Kimberly Patton seconded. Motion passed.
Document #34 YA Lit Symposium Wrap Up and Next Steps
Board seeks further discussion of whether to increase symposia to annual rather than biennual at Annual; perhaps face to face alternating with online symposium in other years
To do: place on agenda for Annual
Document #33 Candidate Recruiting and Selection Process
To do: inform Paula if you contact anyone to run for any YALSA office
Motion #20
Patton moved to adjourn for the day. Cindy Welch seconded. Motion passed.
Board III
Monday, January 26, 2009
Present: Sarah Cornish Debraski, Linda Braun, Paula Brehm-Heeger, Christine Allen, Mary Hastler, Francisca Goldsmith, Erin Helmrich, Kimberly Patton, Michele Gorman, Dawn Rutherford, Ruth Cox Clark, Cindy Welch, Sheila Schofer, Melissa Rabey, Beth Yoke
Regrets: Sandra Payne
Visitors: Emily Sheketoff, ALA Washington Office; Sarah Flowers, ALA Nominating Committee; Stephanie Squicciarini
Sarah Cornish Debraski recalled the meeting to order at 10:32 am
Information Forum
Sarah Flowers: Nominations for the 2010 ALA slate are due September 1, and she requests that we contact her with suggestions at or 408-529-6919. The Committee is seeking candidates for ALA President-Elect, ALA Treasurer and at least 50 candidates for ALA Council. She is writing an article for Spring
YALS on this and looking for input on the article as well.
Discussion Items
Document #36 (continued) Advocacy
Emily Sheketoff provided an update on lead issue: ALA’s attorney has contacted the Consumer Product Safety Commission to inform them how libraries can be exempt and gave grounds for ALA to go to court for a preliminary injunction. The Board was reminded to keep your legislator informed whenever you contact the Commission directly. This is now a Commission issue, not a Legislative issue. If non-book objects in your library are recalled for lead, you are obligated to return them (eg, toys, etc.).
Beth Yoke noted that contacting the Commission and Legislators fit YALSA’s strategic goal of advocacy through more active engagement by members in national issues.
Per Sheketoff, Kristin Murphy, a grassroots coordinator in ALA’s Washington office, is looking to work with interest areas in ALA and there is connection to be made with her and her goals, too. Sheketoff suggests YALSA’s Advocacy Task Force coordinate with Kristin and have her design specific tasks to bring together the Washington Office network with YALSA’s knowledge of teens and social issues affecting them; build messages for Legislature for Teen Read Week; and develop its own message at National Legislative Day, including local and regional promotion of YALSA’s activities and library use/needs of youth; also build on Teen Tech Week, especially given President Obama’s tech sensitivity.
To do: Board members Melissa Rabey and Mary Hastler to work with Beth Yoke to identify teens in local DC area who can visit Legislators to help deliver messages about teen tech and info needs
Document #28 YALSA Products and Initiatives
Discussion centered particularly around Intellectual Freedom Committee, Outreach to Young Adults with Special Needs Committee, Publishers Liaison Committee, Magazine Selection Task Force, and Professional Development Committee, with a call to support the strength and flexibility of Interest Groups and Discussion Groups.
Motion #21 (Document #28)
Kimberly Patton moved to sunset the Publisher Liaison Committee at their recommendation. Dawn Rutherford seconded and the motion passed.
To do: Board liaison to communicate decision to the Committee
Motion #22 (Document #28)
Linda Braun moved that the YALSA Board accept the YALSA Member Groups portion of the Products and Initiatives document and prepare committees and members for changes to take place in 2010. Seconded by Michele Gorman and passed.
Document #29 Membership Survey Results
Motion #23
Gorman moved that the YALSA Board, as per Member Survey, direct YALSA staff to expand e-learning opportunities to include, but not be limited to, one-shot (or solo) continuing education opportunities for YALSA members. Cindy Welch seconded. Motion passed.
To do:
- Sarah create blog postings showing what survey responses have been developed and soliciting further suggestions
- Board members can respond to each of Sarah’s blog postings
For further consideration: Can we prioritize the research action here in response to
SLJ’s apparent interest in this? Research Committee is aware and working on the
SLJ angle
Document #30 Chair Training
Erin presented her task force’s work and noted that the hardest task here is how info is passed chair to chair. There is need to standardize the info passed from old to new chair, with accountability noted on both sides. The YALSA Handbook needs updating and promotion. Liaison assignments have led to some difficulties in straightforward communication and transfer from one chair to next.
To do:
- Build into Board agenda time for Liaisons to talk with each other as their liaison assignments change, transferring the same kind of info we expect chairs to transfer from old to new
- Record webinar for chairs to help educate incoming chairs across future
Motion #24
Rutherford moved to extend meeting to 1 pm. Francisca Goldsmith seconded and motion passed.
Motion #25
Rabey moved that recommendations made in Board Document #30 be referred back to the ad hoc committee and the ad hoc committee prioritize these recommendations and implement those of the highest priority by Annual 2009. Seconded by Hastler. Motion passed.
Debraski thanked the ad hoc committee for their excellent work
Document #31 Friends of YALSA Update
Hastler thanked the Friends of YALSA and described possible marketing tactics such as
an online book discussion of winning Printz books to help generate interest in the event.
Document #45 Strategic Plan Changes
Motion #26
Rutherford moved that the YALSA Board strike Goal Area Four, Objective 3, from the Strategic Plan. Seconded by Braun. Motion passed.
Item Document #35 Council Report
Christine Allen presented her report, including proposed Gaza Strip statement, reduced walk-in registrations at this Midwinter, and school-related issues of intellectual freedom abrogation in favor of principals viewing school libraries as “reading labs.”
Document #46
Motion #27
Paula Brehm-Heeger moved that the YALSA Board accept the recommendation offered in Board Document #46 to create an annual list of Websites/Blogs for Young Adults with young adult input, as written. Hastler seconded. Motion failed.
Document #32 Meeting Member Needs
Debraski noted that two areas on which YALSA can focus to help members through the recession are continuing education and advocacy and pointed out that both of these topics are included in the strategic plan.
Informational Items
Debraski called Board attention to these items (Documents #38-44)
Motion #28
Helmrich moved to adjourn the Midwinter Board meeting. Goldsmith seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 12:59 pm