YALSA Board of Directors 2007 August Meeting Minutes
ALA Midwinter Meeting, Philadelphia, January 11-16, 2008
Topic: Approval of the Minutes from the 2007 August Board Meeting
Background: Minutes are the official record of the Board. It is important that they be as accurate as possible. Any oversights or errors should be identified and corrected for the permanent record.
The mission of YALSA is to advocate, promote and strengthen service to young adults as part of the continuum of total library service, and to support those who provide service to this population.
Board Members Present: Amy Alessio, Christine Allen, Paula Brehm-Heeger, Nick Buron, Sarah Debraski, Michele Gorman, Mary Hastler, Erin Helmrich, Judy Nelson, Dawn Rutherford, Sara Ryan, Beth Yoke
Board Members Not Present: Maria Gentle, Kim Patton
Call to Order
Information Forum – No Board member had news to share.
Adoption of the Agenda — Judy Nelson moved to adopt the agenda with flexibility and Nick Buron seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Action Items
Approval of Minutes from the 07 Annual Conference — Sarah Debraski moved to accept the minutes from the 2007 Annual Conference, and Erin Helmrich seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Teen Tech Week Committee Status (5 min.) — Erin moved to change the status of the TTW Taskforce to a standing committee, and Judy seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Second Life and Gaming Interest Group (5 min.) — Judy moved to continue with the approved Board motion from Annual 2007 regarding the establishment of a Second Life taskforce, and Christine Allen seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Midwinter Planning (10 min.) — Judy moved to continue with an all day institute at Midwinter 2008 at the cost of no less than $100 per person, and Sarah Debraski seconded the motion. The motion passed. Judy moved to create an ad-hoc committee to finalize the Chair Manual, and Christine seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Stipends for Instructors (5 min.) — Sarah Debraski moved to instruct Executive Director to set pricing for e-courses so that a 4-week course is the equivalent of a one-day workshop and that a 6-week course is the equivalent of a 1.5-day workshop, to go into effect with the fall 07 session of e-courses, and Nick seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Co-sponsorship Request from ALSC (5 min.) — Judy moved to co-sponsor the 2008 Midwinter ALSC Institute in name only, and Sarah seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Funding 07 TRW Projects (5 min) — Amy Alessio moved to accept the TRW 07 budget from Mirrorstone’s corporate sponsorship fee, and Sarah seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Participation in 08 IFLA Conference (5 min) — Judy moved to direct the executive director to pursue ways YALSA can participate in the 2008 IFLA conference, especially via an exhibit booth or poster session, and Christine seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Intellectual Freedom Committee Chair Travel (5 min) — Nick moved to provide travel funds of up to $950 to YALSA’s Intellectual Freedom Committee Chair, or a designated committee representative, to attend the 2008 ALA Intellectual Freedom spring meeting, and Judy seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Request for Board Action: Establish a New Discussion Group (5 min) — Michele Gorman moved to recommend to Amy Cheney that the group exercise the option of meeting two times then resubmit their request to the Board for official status, and Sarah seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Request for Board Action: Blog Policy Update (5 min) — Sarah moved to accept the proposed changes, as written in document 11, to the blog policy, and Erin seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Petitions for YALSA Election (5 min) — Amy moved to allow electronic signatures under article 8, section 4 of the YALSA Bylaws and Judy seconded the motion. The motion failed to pass. Judy moved to accept written signatures in a variety of formats as part of article 8, section 4 of the YALSA Bylaws and refer implementation to the Nominating Committee, and Christine seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Nick moved to extend the meeting by 15 minutes and Judy seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Discussion Items
Concerns from Committees (5 min.) — A few Board Liaisons shared news and information about their committees.
Post Conference Reports (20 min.) — Paula Brehm-Heeger indicated that due to the shortage of time, Board members should email their concerns to her after the meeting. Christine moved to extend the meeting for five minutes and Nick seconded the motion. The motion passed.
ALA Committee Appointments (5 min.) — Paula recommended that Board members suggest names for possible appointment to other ALA Committees to Sarah Debraski.
ALA Election for Board & Council (5 min) — Paula reminded Board members that the deadline to fill out a nomination form for the ALA election is Sept. 1.
Agenda Items for Fall Executive Committee Meeting (5 min.) — Due to the shortage of time, Paula asked that suggestions be emailed to her.
AASL Online Literature Courses (5 min) — Board members briefly discussed the e-courses that AASL was offering.
Information Items
Board Responsibilities for Midwinter
Judy moved to adjourn the meeting and Nick seconded the motion. The motion passed.