2006 YALSA Election Results

Proposal to increase Regular YALSA Member dues from $40 to $50, Student Member dues from $15 to $20, Organizational Member dues from $40 to $50 and Corporate Member dues from $40 to $60 was adopted.

Proposal to amend the YALSA Bylaws to establish the option of including Interest Groups as part of the YALSA Organizational Structure was adopted.

Proposal to amend the YALSA Bylaws to increase the size of the Nominating Committee from three members to five, with one member being the non-immediate Past President was adopted.

Vice President/President-Elect

Paula Brehm-Heeger

Board of Directors

Erin Helmrich

Kimberly Patton

Margaret A. Edwards 2008 Award Committee

Kimberly Paone

Ruth Cox Clark

Erin Downey Howerton

Michael L. Printz 2008 Award Committee

Lynn Rutan

Julie Bartel

Cheryl Karp Ward

Walter Mayes