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Looking for more inspiration? Take a look at the professional materials available to help you plan your Teen Read Week celebration.

Professional Materials


Download this
PowerPoint presentation from YALSA that explains Teen Read Week and use it at library meetings or conferences or with colleagues.


Bradford, Clare et. al.
New World Orders in Contemporary Children's Literature: Utopian Transformations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

Coleman, Tina and Peggie Llanes.
The Hipster Librarian’s Guide to Teen Craft Projects. Chicago: ALA, 2008.

Doyle, Miranda.
101 + Great Ideas for Teen Library Web sites. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2007.

Excellence in Library Services to Young Adults. Amy Alessio, ed. Chicago: YALSA, 2009.

Herald, Diana Tixer and Bonnie Kunzel.
Fluent in Fantasy: The Next Generation. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.

Holley, Pam Spencer for the Young Adult Library Services Association. Quick and Popular Reads for Teens. Chicago: ALA, 2009.

Honnold, RoseMary for the Young Adult Library Services Association.
Get Connected: Tech Programs for Teens .New York: Neal-Schuman, 2007.

Koelling, Holly for the Young Adult Library Services Association.
Best Books for Young Adults. 3rd edition. Chicago: ALA, 2007.

Kunzel, Bonnie and Constance Hardesty.
The Teen-Centered Book Club: Readers into Leaders. Westport: Libraries Unlimited. 2006.

Langemack, Chapple.
The Author Event Primer: How to Plan, Execute and Enjoy Author Events. Westport: Libraries Unlimited. 2007.

The Official YALSA Awards Guidebook. Tina Frolund, ed. New York: Neal Schuman, 2008. (Available in June).

Pfeil, Angela B.
Going Places with Youth Outreach: Smart Marketing Strategies for Your Library. Chicago: ALA, 2005.

Phillips, Susan P.
Great Displays for Your Library Step by Step. Jefferson: McFarland, 2008.

Reynolds, Tom K.
Teen Reading Connections. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2005.

Schall, Lucy.
Teen Genre Connections: From Booktalking to Booklearning. Westport: Libraries Unlimited. 2005.

Utopian and Dystopian Writing for Children and Young Adults (Children's Literature and Culture 29). Ed. by Carrie Hintz and Elaine Ostry. New York: Routledge, 2003.

Westphal, Gary.
Science Fiction, Children's Literature, and Popular Culture: Coming of Age in Fantasyland. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood, 2000.

Journal & Magazine Articles

"Best Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror of 2006."
VOYA 30, no. 1, April 2007.

"Best Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror of 2007." VOYA 31, no. 1, April 2008.

Boozer, Donald. "'I Want to Speak Elvish': Teens and the World of Imaginary Languages."
VOYA 30 no. 3 (August 2007).

Crawford, Phillip Charles. "A New Era of Gothic Horror: A Look at the Subversive Power of the Genre and Its Appeal to Today's Teens.
School Library Journal,October 2008.

Hastings, Samantha Larson. "Stress-free Programming for Teens: Stop the Stress and Do More by Doing Less."
Young Adult Library Services. Fall 2008. Vol. 7, no. 1.

King, Kevin A.R. "No Time for a Teen Read Week Celebration? Get Real!
Young Adult Library Services. Fall 2005. Vol 4, issue 2. P6-7.

Kunzel, Bonnie. "Close Encounters of the Best Kind,"
School Library Journal, August 2008.

Levy, Michael. "Attracting Younger Readers to Science Fiction."
VOYA 30, no. 2 June 2007.

Levy, Michael. "Cyberpunk versus the New Space Opera."
VOYA 31, no. 2 June 2008.

Levy, Michael. "Franchising the Classics."
VOYA vol. 31, no. 4 October 2008.

McLean, C. D. "Fifty Ways to Promote Teen Reading in Your Library."
Young Adult Library Services. Fall 2007 Vol. 6, issue 1 p8-10.

Norton, Eric. "Focus On: Science Fiction- Brave NewWorlds."
School Library Journal, May 2008.

Prichard, Heather. "Write Here, Write Now: Holding a Creative Writing Workshop Series at Your Library."
Young Adult Library Services Summer 2008. Vol. 6, no. 4.

Snow, Cason. "The Gaming Life: Tabletop Fantasy RPGs."
School Library Journal, Jan. 2009.

Welch, Rollie. "From Platforms to Books? I'm Game."
Young Adult Library Services Winter 2008. Vol. 6, issue 2.

Will, Chase M. "The Alluring Darkness: Finding Belonging in Fangs and Wands."
Young Adult Library Services. Summer 2008. Vol. 6, no. 4.

For Authors

10+ Things YA Authors Can Do to Celebrate Teen Read Week:

  1. Contact your local school or public library to set up a visit.
    Request some freebies from YALSA to hand out.
  2. Contact your book store to set up a signing or reading.
    Request some freebies from YALSA to hand out.

  3. Encourage your local book store and library to create a Teen Read Week display, or offer to create one for them. Let them know they can order TRW posters and bookmarks from the
    ALA Store.

  4. Put the “I Support Teen Read Week”
    web badge (GIF) on your blog, MySpace page, etc.
  5. Add your name & contact info to the
    YA author directory on YALSA’s wiki so librarians have a way to get in touch with you when they are planning author events.

  6. Blog or tweet about teen reading& libraries leading up to TRW or during TRW.
  7. Ask your publisher how they are celebrating TRW and how you might get involved. If they have no plans, encourage them to contact YALSA to become a part of this reading event.
  8. Write
    a letter to the editor of your local paper discussing the importance of libraries in the lives of teens.
  9. Ask your town council to
    officially declare Oct. 18 – 24, 2009 Teen Read Week in your town.
  10. Ask your local radio station to read the script for the
    Teen Read Week PSA.
  11. Link to the Teen Read Week web site from yours:
  12. Work with your local school or public library to implement a creative writing contest for teens.
  13. At events, school visits, etc. prior to TRW, encourage the teens you visit to read YALSA’s Teens’ Top Ten nominations so they can vote online for their favorite books during TRWat
  14. For future TRWs, serve on YALSA’s
    Teen Read Week planning committee.