Teen Civic Engagement Committee

Function: To create resources, training, and events that support members in centering engaging diverse teen voices and elevating the issues that are important to them; to highlight all aspects of civic engagement programming, with a special focus on teens being heard, counted, and active during elections; explore partnership opportunities with other ALA divisions or groups to develop trainings, toolkits, or other resources. This committee is continuing the work begun by the 22x20 Taskforce.

Committee Size: 5-7 virtual members

Type: Standing

Date of Establishment: January 2021

Date of Completion: Continuing


  • Current membership in YALSA.
  • To accomplish year-round work in a virtual environment taskforce members must be competent users of digital tools, including but not limited to Google docs, Skype and ALA Connect.
  • Understanding the importance of teen civic engagement and how it ties into the Teen Services Competencies for Library Staff
  • Good interpersonal and writing skills
  • Strong organizational skills

Term: July 1 through June 30 of the following year

History: In 2019, the 22x20 Taskforce was established as YALSA’s in-kind contribution to the work of the 22x20 coalition. The TF remained active for two years and underwent changes when faced with various challenges. Making the case that “YALSA has long named advocacy and civic engagement as core tenants to our organization and putting teens first,” the TF submitted a recommendation to the board at 2021 Midwinter to institute a continuing committee that focuses on teen civic engagement.

Staff Liaison: Ni’Shele Jackson

Board Liaison:

Helpful Resources: