RUSA/YALSA Young Adult Reference Committee

Function: Stimulate, encourage, and develop resources for the field of young adult reference library services via the following 1) Provide forums for discussion, sharing, and learning relating to the provision of reference, information, and homework help services for and with young adults; 2) Develop reference-related trainings and present them to library and youth serving organizations via webinars, conferences, institutes, etc.; 3) Publish information relating to best practices, new research, trends, etc. in the young adult reference field in Division and library community blogs and publications; 4) Periodically evaluate and update as necessary the Guidelines for Library Services to Teens developed by a joint RUSA/YALSA task force in 2008. Interdivisional Committee Size: 10 virtual members, including 1 RUSA co-chair, 1 YALSA co-chair, 4 RUSA members and 4 YALSA members.

Term: 1 year commencing July 1 through June 30.