Table of Contents

From the Editor

From the President


Book Club Beginnings
Gwen Schedler

The 411 Is Now the Shiznit: Popular Culture and Teens
Kimberlee Ried and Kaite Mediatore

Powering Up with Print, Ten Best Practices
Patrick Jones

Annual Conference Highlights

Slam This! Poetry for and with Teens: A YALSA Preconference
Jana Fine

Living in the Salad Bowl: Serving Immigrant Teens
Kevin Scanlon and Lisa Youngblood

Freedom to Fantasize
James Cook and Connie Rockman

President’s Program, Writing on the Wall: Encouraging Creative Teens
Michael Cart

Award Speeches

Margaret A. Edwards Award Speech: Nancy Garden

Michael L. Printz Award Speech: Aidan Chambers

Michael L. Printz Honor Speech: Nancy Farmer

Michael L. Printz Honor Speech: Garret Freymann-Weyr

Michael L. Printz Honor Speech: Jack Gantos

Novel Approaches: The Mythical 100-Page Book
Alden Carter

Authors Write about Survival
Jana Fine

The Importance of Kinship As Perceived in Three Coretta Scott King Award Books Protagonists Surviving the Loss of Family
Cora P. Dunkley

You Asked for It! Publishers Respond
Judy Nelson

In Memoriam: A Resolution for Paul Zindel

Index to Advertisers

The Update

Author Guidelines