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YALSA offers multiple platforms for advertising, including print ads Young Adult Library Services and the biennial Young Adult Literature Symposium Program Book and online via YAttitudes, YALSA's monthly email newsletter, and by sponsoring YALSA webinars.
YALSA's advertising representative is Innovative Media Solutions. For information on advertising with YALSA, please download our media and sponsorship kit (PDF).
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Bill Spilman
Innovative Media Solutions
320 W. Chestnut St.
P.O. Box 399
Oneida, IL, 61567
toll-free number 1-877-878-3260
About YALS
Established in 2002, Young Adult Library Services is the first official journal of YALSA.
Published four times a year, the journal includes articles of current interest to the profession, reviews of professional books and resources for librarians, act as a showcase for best practices, provides news from related fields such as youth development, and spotlights significant events of the organization.
The journal serves as the official record of the organization and includes major actions of the Board of Directors and important policies and documents. It is a perquisite of YALSA membership.
Special Annual Issues
Fall issues will be organized around specific themes (the 2012 theme is advocacy). Winter issues will focus on Teen Tech Week. Spring issues will showcase YALSA’s annual awards: the Alex, Edwards, Morris, Nonfiction, Odyssey, and Printz Awards, as well as all of YALSA's selected book and media lists. Summer issues will feature Teen Read Week.
YALSA's award-winning quarterly journal is a two-time APEX Award winner in the category of journals and magazines over 32 pages. YALS reaches more than 6,000 librarians and educators who work in public and school libraries, directly with young adults ages 12-18, as well as library school students
and instructors.
Young Adult Library Services serves as the official journal of the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association. The journal serves as a vehicle for purchasing print and nonprint library materials, including books, audiobooks, Playaways, music, DVDs, periodicals, and computer software, as well as the technology needed to use media in the library.
Readership Facts
YALS boasts a diverse subscriber base:
- 59 percent work in public libraries
- 33 percent work in school libraries
- 4 percent work in academic libraries
- 39 percent of YALSA's members serve in a supervisory capacity at their libraries
- 64 percent of YALSA members have more than seven years' library experience; 34 percent have 16 years or more.
- 10 percent of YALSA's members (and YALS readers) are MLIS students
YALS Value
YALS rated highly in YALSA's most recent member survey with 98 percent of members calling the journal "good" or "very good." 79 percent indicated that YALS is important or very important to them. 57 percent indicated that YALSA is a leading source for news in the profession.