Table of Contents
Valerie A. Ott
Judy Nelson
Professional Perspectives
YALSA’s Advocacy Task Force
Rollie Welch (Testimonies collected by Charli Osborne)
Defending Intellectual Freedom
Barb Conkin
Teen Perspective
Teens’ Recommendations for Reluctant Readers
Jessica Mize
Author Perspective
A Real Princess: An Interview with Meg Cabot
Paula Brehm-Heeger
Best Practices
Reader’s Advisory by Proxy: Connecting Teens and Books through Positive Interactions with Parents and Caregivers
Heather Booth
Hot Spot: Reader's Advisory
Street Lit: Emptying Teen Fiction Bookshelves in Philadelphia Public Libraries
Vanessa J. Morris, Sandra Hughes-Hassell, Denise E. Agosto, and Darren Cottman
A Closer Look at Bibliotherapy
Jami Jones
The Power of Information: Creating a YA Nonfiction Collection
Karen M. Smith
Bridging the Gap
Proactive Approaches for Adults Working with Teens
Kimberly Bolan
Books that Help, Books that Heal: Dealing with Controversy in Young Adult Literature
Joni Bodart
Teen Book Discussions Go Online
Cathy Rettberg
What I Have Learned from Teens on
Carol Fitzgerald from
FAQ Answered by the YA Galley Committee
Edith Cummings, Tracey Firestone, and Diane Monnier
Literature Surveys and Research
The Borderland Age and Borderline Books: The Early Practice of Youth Reader’s Advisory
Jennifer Burek Pierce
Professional Resource Reviews