Table of Contents
Perspectives on YA Practice
Common YA Models of Service in Public Libraries: Advantages and Disadvantages
Mary K. Chelton
The Frances Henne/YALSA/VOYA Planning, Nurturing and Growing the Field of Young Adult Research
Bridgid Fennell
Research Resources for Librarians
Research Committee Column
Jami L. Jones
Publisher/Author Perspective
Bone and Scholastic Graphix
An Interview with Jeff Smith and Jean Feiwel (with John Mason)
Katherine Kan
An Interview with Papercutz publisher Terry Nantier
Jana Fine
Teen Perspective
Graphic Generation
Chris Fallis
The Okatu’s View on Manga
Christina Cuchinotta
Manga Madness in the Library
Angie Espelage
School/Public Library Perspective
Holy Reading Revolution, Batman!
Developing a Graphic Novel Collection for Young Adults
Alison Ching
Y Archive?
The Rapid Rise of Graphic Novels and Their Place in the Cleveland Public Library
Rollie Welch and Julianne Brown
Who Is Reading Manga?
One High School’s Story
Melissa Bergin
Japan Comes to Elizabeth, New Jersey
A Week of Japanese Entertainment for Teens
Kimberly Paone
I Got Graphic!
Using Visual Literature Works!
Jodi Leckbee
Get Animated @ your library®
Kristin Fletcher-Spear and Merideth Jenson-Benjamin
International Perspectives
Adult Graphic Novels Readers
A Survey in a Montréal Library
Olivier Charbonneau
Teenage Reluctant Readers and Graphic Novels
Clare Snowball
¿Es Un Pájaro? ¿Es Un Avión? . . . ¡Es Supermán!
Spanish Comics for American Libraries
Lucia Cedeira Serantes
The Update