Tips for Successful E-learning
To be a successful student in a YALSA Online CE course, you need to have regular unlimited access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection. You will have a better experience if you have high-speed Internet access. All of YALSA’s classes are offered through Moodle, which is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Work Habits
You must login to your online course and interact with your classmates and course instructor on a regular basis. This usually includes reading online, working on assignments, participating in discussions and responding to e-mail. You must be disciplined enough to self-motivate and complete your coursework on time. Most communication in an online class consists of written messages between you and the instructor and discussions among class participants. If you have difficulty with an assignment or have questions, you must be willing to "speak up" to inform the instructor. Read YALSA’s student expectations here.
All of YALSA’s classes are offered asynchronously, so you can complete the class work on a schedule that works best for you. Online courses require the same amount of time, if not more, than in-person courses. Set aside time for visiting the course and finishing a module. Before logging off, be sure to visit the discussion thread area and contribute your experience and understanding to the discussions. When everyone adds something to the discussion, it can lead to deeper understanding of what is presented in the module.
Qualities of a Successful E-Course Student
Successful e-course students are committed to their studies. While online courses offer more flexibility and convenience, they can be more demanding of time and energy than regular courses or workshops. Web course students need to:
- Know how to use basic technologies (e.g., email, a Web browser, Adobe Reader, Word, Moodle).
- Login regularly to participate in the class - at least once a week
- Commit approximately 2 hours per week.
- Use good time-management skills and exercise self-discipline to ensure enough time to study and complete all assignments.
- Seek help promptly when problems arise.
Good communication is an essential to a successful online course experience. You must be willing to share your thoughts, experiences, and ideas with the group and carefully consider your responses with professional respect and courtesy.