November 2023 Member of the Month: Todd Krueger
"I got into YALSA many years ago when my job focus turned to teen collections and teen programs, and generally making teens feel welcome in libraries! That eventually led to serving on selection and award committees and then Board work, culminating in serving as YALSA President in 2019-2020. Since then, I'm currently serving in my fourth year as the Consultant for ALSC's Priority Group III. YALSA and ALSC have provided me with a firm foundation for advocating for and listening to youth and fulfilling their library needs.
Since 2004, I've been a Selector in the Collection Development department at Baltimore County Public Library in Towson, Maryland. I focus on a number of collection areas, including graphic novels, books for teens, and children's and adult nonfiction. I've been active for many years with Capitol Choices, a group in the DC/MD/VA area interested in promoting children's and teen literature. I live in Baltimore with my husband, and my interests include travel, dogs, genealogy, tennis, and drinking more iced tea than I probably should!"