Booze for Books

On April 12, 2012 — Support Teen Literature Day — people around the world will participate in YALSA's first Booze for Books event to raise money to support literacy for needy teens. YALSA is encouraging anyone who would like to participate to host an event to raise funds for Books for Teens, which aims to give libraries funds to purchase age-appropriate, high-quality recent materials for teens.

How do you get involved?

  • Find Inspiration: Check out the Booze for Books posts on YALSABlog (Get the Word Out, Thinking Outside the Booze Box, Booze for Books: Don't Miss It) or check out the Pinterest recipe board. Find tips for planning and executing an event in YALSA's fundraising guide (PDF)
  • Plan an event: You can plan any kind of event to support the cause! Maybe it's just a regular meeting of your book club, but you ask for donations from members. It could be a cocktail party you host at your home or at a local establishment. Even though we're calling it Booze for Books, you can change the name (Burgers for Books? Lentils for Literacy?) to something that's a better fit for your community and event.
  • Publicize: Find tools for promoting your event in the fundraising guide (PDF), developed by the Financial Advancement Committee. Find out how to encourage your friend and colleagues to participate in Booze for Books. If you're Tweeting about it, use #B4Byalsa.
  • Send your funds to YALSA: You can send your donations by check (please make out to YALSA and write Books for Teens in the memo) or donate online at ALA's Giving site or If you do send a check, please mail it to YALSA, ATTN: Books for Teens, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60610.
  • Say thanks: Our fundraising guide (PDF) includes donation forms (Books for Teens is part of a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, so your donations are tax-deductible) for your participant's records and templates for thank-you notes. Be sure to thank everyone for their support of this program!

Questions? Contact FAC chair Linda Braun at

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