Friends of YALSA 2007

Platinum Circle

Pam Spencer Holley

Gold Circle

Mary Burkey

Audra Caplan

Sarah Krygier

Ma'Lis Wendt

Silver Circle

Paula Brehm-Heeger

Sarah Flowers

Jed Lyons

David Mowery

Bronze Circle

Amy Alessio (in honor of Polly Fox)

Mary Arnold

Sarah Cornish Debraski

Tracey Firestone

Maria Gentle

Brian Moreland

Eleanor Pourron

Caryn Sipos

Ann Chambers Theis

YALSA Executive Committee (in honor of Esther Murphy)

Friends' Circle

Betty Acerra

Christine Allen

Nick Buron

Maria Gentle

Mary Hastler

Molly Kinney

Judy Nelson

Mary Anne and Allen Nichols

Amy Pelman

Dawn Rutherford

Jody Sharp

Stephanie Squicciarini

Kelly Tomaseski

View the YALSA Friends in 2006.