YALSA Research Committee Poster Session at the 2011 Annual Conference

YALSA Research Committee will host a poster session at the 2011 Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 23-28. A poster session is a full-length conference session that provides LIS faculty, librarians, and students to share their research in a less formal setting.

The YALSA Research Committee is now seeking proposals for posters to be exhibited during the session. Please download the
application form and instructions (Word doc). Applications are due to Eve Gaus at
egaus@ala.org by March 1. Details on how to apply are listed in the instructions. If you have questions, contact Eve Gaus at
egaus@ala.org or 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5293.

Please note YALSA does not provide funding for registration and travel expenses for the presenters. If a presenter is selected, he or she is expected to attend the ALA Annual Conference and cover all his or her costs.