Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
2001 Top 10
Cabot, Meg.
The Princess Diaries. HarperCollins, $15.95 (0-380-97848-2).
Drill, Esther, Heather McDonald and Rebecca Olds.
Deal With It: A Whole New Approach to Your Body, Brain and Life as a Gurl. illus. Pocket, paper, $15 (0-671-04157-6).
Franco, Betsy.
You Hear Me? Poems and Writing by Teenage Boys. Candlewick, $14.99 (0-7636-1158-1).
Frank, E.R.
Life is Funny. DK, $17.95 (0-789-42634-X).
Koss, Amy Goldman.
The Girls. Putnam/Dial, $16.99 (0-8037-2494-2)./p>
McCormick, Patricia.
Cut. Front Street, $16.95 (1-886910-61-8).
Piven, Joshua and David Borgenicht.
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook. illus. Chronicle, paper, $14.95 (0-8118-2555-8).
Rennison, Louise.
Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson. HarperCollins, $15.89 (0-06-028871-X); paper, $6.95 (0-06-447227-2).
Seckel, Al.
The Art of Optical Illusions. illus. Carlton Books, paper, $18.95 (1-84222-054-3).
Shakur, Tupac.
The Rose That Grew From Concrete. Simon & Schuster, $20 (0-671-02844-8).
Members of the YALSA 2001 Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers were: John Sexton, chair, Ashland Branch Library (OR); Linda W. Braun, LEO: Librarians & Educators Online, (ME); Lora Bruggeman, Downers Grove Public Library (IL); Tammy Daubner, Perrysburg (OH); Lynn Evarts, Sauk Prairie High School (WI); Caryl McKellar, Alachua County Library District (FL); Melanie Rapp Weiss, Cuyahoga County Library (OH); Victor Schill, Fairbanks Branch Library (TX); Kimberley Sharpe, Brooklyn Public Library (NY); Henrietta M. Smith, University of South Florida (Delray Beach, FL); Cheryl Karp Ward, Penney Alumni Library East Hartford High School (CT); Mary Long, adm. asst., Wilson Middle School, (TX), Gillian Engberg, Booklist consultant.