Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers
The Young Adult Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), has announced its 2001 Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers. The list was released during the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Washington, DC.
Compiled by an eleven member committee, the 79 titles on the list were published from late 1999 through 2000 and represent more than 40 different publisher imprints. 36 of the titles are Fiction and 43 are Non-Fiction. The committee annually selects for the Quick Picks list outstanding titles that will appeal to reluctant teen readers. Reluctant readers are considered those teenagers who, for whatever reason, choose not to read. These titles are provided to stimulate their interest in doing so. The list is not intended for teenagers with reading disabilities, though some of the selected titles may be appropriate for those teens.
Adoff, Arnold.
Basket Counts. Simon & Schuster, $17 (0-689-80108-4)
Alphin, Elaine Marie.
Counterfeit Son. Harcourt, $17 (0-15-202645-2)
Anderson, Joan.
Rookie: Tamika Whitmore's First Year in the WNBA. illus.Dutton, $16.99 (0-525-4612-3)
Treacherous Love. Harper Collins, $4.99 (0-380-80862-5)
Appelt, Kathi.
Kissing Tennessee. Harcourt, $15 (0-15-202249)
Atkins, Catherine.
When Jeff Comes Home. G. P. Putnam's Sons, $17.99 (0-399-23366-0)
Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia.
Demon in my View. Delacorte, $9.95 (0-385-32720-X)
Baseball's Best Shots: the greatest baseball photography of all time. illus.DK, $30 (0-7894-6119-6)
Bauer, Cat.
Harley Like a Person. Winslow, $16.95 (1-890-81748-1), paper $6.95 (1-890-81749-X)
Bennett, Cherie.
Love Him Forever. Avon, $4.50 (0-380-80124-8)
Bo, Ben.
The Edge. Lerner, $14.95 (0-8225-3308-1)
Bo, Ben.
Skullcrack. Lerner, $14.95 (0-8225-3307-3)
Bressler, Karen W. and Susan Redstone.
D.I.Y. Beauty. illus.Penguin/Alloy, $5.95 paper (0-14-130918-0)
Brous, Elizabeth.
How to be Gorgeous: The Ultimate Beauty Guide to Hair, Makeup and More. illus.Harper Collins, $14.95 (0-06-440871-X
Brown, Bobbi and Annemarie Iverson.
Bobi Brown Teenage Beauty: Everything You Need to Know to Look Pretty, Natural, Sexy & Awesome. illus.Harper Collins, $25 (0-06-019636-X)
Cabot, Meg.
The Princess Diaries. Harper Collins, $15.95 (0-380-97848-2)
Csillag, Andre.
Backstreet Boys: the official book. illus.Random House, $14.95 (0-385-32800-1)
Danziger, Paula and Martin, Ann M.
Snail Mail No More. Scholastic, $16.95 (0-439-06335-3)
Donkin, Andrew.
Truly Tasteless Scratch & Sniff Book. illus. DK, $9.95 (0-7894-6514-0)
Dougall Alastair.
James Bond: The Secret World of 007. illus. DK, $19.95 (0-7894-6691-0)
Drill, Esther and Heather McDonald, Rebecca Olds.
Deal With It: A Whole New Approach to Your Body, Brain and Life as a Gurl. illus. Pocket, $15 paper (0-671-04157-6)
Ellis, Warren.
StormWatch: Force of Nature. illus.DC Comics, $14.95 paper (1-56389-646-X)
Escher, M.C. and J.L. Locher.
The Magic of M.C. Escher. illus. Abrams, $39.95 (0-8109-6720-0)
Ewing, Lynne. Daughter of the Moon (series). Hyperion, $9.99
Goddess of the Night. (0-7868-0653-2)
Into the Cold Fire. (0-7868-0654-0)
Franco, Betsy.
You Hear Me? Candlewick, $14.99 (0-7636-1158-1)
Frank, E.R.
Life is Funny. DK, $17.95 (0-789-42634-X)
Golden, Christopher.
Meets the Eye. Pocket Books, $4.99 paper (0-671-03495-2)
Gottlieb, Lori. Stick Figure: A Diary of my Former Self. Simon & Schuster, $22 (0-684-86358-8)
Greenberg, Gary.
Pop-Up Book of Phobias. illus. William Morrow, $24.95 (0-688-17195-8)
Groening, Matt.
Simpson's Comics A-Go-Go. illus. Harper Perennial, $11.95 (0-06-095566-X)
Hawk, Tony and Sean Mortimer.
Hawk: Occupation: Skateboarder. illus. Harper Collins, $23 (0-06-019860-5)
Hayhurst, Chris.
Bicycle Stunt Riding: catch air! illus. Rosen Publishing, $19.95 (0-8239-3011-4)
Hayhurst, Chris. Mountain Biking: get on the trail! illus. Rosen Publishing, $19.99 (0-8239-3013-0)
Herrera, Juan Felipe.
Crashboomlove: A Novel in Verse. Publisher: University of New Mexico Press, $18.95 (0-8263- 2114-3)
Hughes, Dave.
MTV's Celebrity Deathmatch Companion. illus. Rizzoli, $22.50 paper (0-7893-0503-8)
Irwin, Cati.
Conquering the Beast Within: How I Fought Depression and Won..., and How You Can, Too. illus. Random House $14 paper (0-8129-3247-1)
Jett, Sarah.
Night of the Pompon. Pocket Books. Archway, $4.99 paper (0-671-78633-4)
Johns, Michael-Anne.
Cool in School. illus. Scholastic, $3.99 paper (0-439-18848-2)
Kirberger, Kimberly.
Teen Love: On Relationships, a Book For Teenagers. illus. Health Communications, $12.95 paper (1-55874-734-6)
Koss, Amy Goldman.
The Girls. Penguin Putnam. $16.99 (0-803-72494-2)
Logue, Mary.
Dancing With An Alien. HarperCollins, $14.95 (0-060-28318-1)
Lund, Kristin.
Star Wars Episode 1: Incredible Locations. illus. DK, $19.95 (0-7894-6692-9)
Mackler, Carolyn.
Love and Other Four Letter Words. Random House, $14.95 (0-385-32743-9)
Mannarino, Melanie.
The Boyfriend Clinic: the final word on flirting, dating, guys and love. illus. Harper Collins $6.95 paper (0-06-447235-3)
McCormick, Patricia.
Cut. Front Street, $16.95 (1-886910-61-8)
Moore, Alan.
Tom Strong - Book 1 . illus. DC Comics, $24.95 (1-56389-654-0)
Morgenstern, Mindy.
Real Rules for Girls. illus. Girl Press, $14.95 (0-96594754-5-2)
Morrison, Grant.
JLA: Earth 2 . illus. D.C. Comics, $24.95 (1-56389-575-7)
Myers, Walter Dean.
145th Street: Short Stories. Delacorte Press, $15.95 (0-385-32137-6)
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds.
Jade Green. Atheneum, $16 (0-689-82005-4)
Owen, David.
Hidden Evidence. illus. Firefly Books, $24.95 (1-55209-483-9)
Packer, Alex.
Highs! illus. Free Spirit, $14.95 (1-57542-074-0)
Pascal, Francine.
Fearless Vol 1. Pocket Books, $5.99 paper (0-671-03941-5)
Patnaik, Gayatri and Michelle T. Shinseki.
The Secret Life of Teens: Young People Speak Out About Their Lives. Harper San Francisco, $12.95 paper (0-688-17176-5)
Peters, Julie Anne.
Define "Normal". Little Brown, $14.95 (0-316-70631-0)
Piven, Joshua and David Borgenicht.
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook. illus. Chronicle $14.95 (0-8118- 2555-8)
Planet Dexter(Ed.).
This Book Really Sucks. illus. Planet Dexter $12.99 (0-448-44075-X)
Pollett, Alison.
MTV's The Real World New Orleans: unmasked. illus. Pocket Books, $16 (0-7434-1127-7)
Rennison, Louise.
Angus, thongs, and full-frontal snogging. HarperCollins, $15.89 (0-06-028871-X)
Roberts, Jeremy.
Rock and Ice Climbing: top the tower! illus. Rosen Publishing, $19.95 (0-8239-3009-2)
Rock, with Joe Leyden.
The Rock Says. illus. Harper Collins, $26 (0-06-039298-3)
Ryder, Bob and Dave Scherer.
WCW: the ultimate guide. illus. DK, $19.95 (0-7894-6673-2)
Savas, Georgia Routsis.
Seventeen Total Astrology. illus. Harper Collins, $5.95 paper (0-06-440872-8)
Schreibman, Tamar.
Kissing. Simon & Schuster, $3.99 paper (0-689-83329-6)
Seckel, Al.
The Art of Optical Illusions. illus. Carlton Books, $18.95 paper (1-84222-054-3)
Shakur, Tupac.
The Rose That Grew From Concrete. Simon & Schuster, 20 (0-671-02844-8)
Shaw, Tucker.
Dreams: Explore the You That You Can't Control. illus. Penguin/Alloy, $5.99 paper (0-14-130920-2)
Shaw, Tucker and Fiona Gibb.
.... Any Advice? illus. Penguin/Alloy, $5.99 paper (0-14-130921-0)
Singleton, L.J.
Regeneration (series). Penguin Putnam, $4.50
#1. Regeneration (0-425-17302-X)
#2. The Search (0-425-17368-X)
#3. The Truth (0-425-17415-8)
Smith, Charles R.
Tall Tales: Six Amazing Basketball Dreams. illus. Dutton, $16.99 (0-525-46172-8)
Stratton, Allan.
Leslie's Journal. Annick Press, $19.95 (1-55037-665-9)
Sweeeney, Joyce.
Players. Winslow Press, $16.95 (1-890817-54-6)
Tarbox, Catherine.
Katie.com: my story. Dutton, $19.95 (0-525-94543-1)
Trueman, Terry.
Stuck in Neutral. Harper Collins, $19.95 (0-06-028519-2)
Turning Seventeen Series. Harper Collins, paper $4.95 each
Craft, Elizabeth. Show Me Love (#4). (0-06-44720-X)
Noonan, Rosalind. Any Guy You Want (#1) (0-06-447237-X)
Roberts, Christa. For Real (#3). (0-06-447239-6)
Staub, Wendy Corsi. More Than This (#2). (0-06-447238-8)
Von Ziegesar, Cecily.
SLAM. illus. Alloy Books/Penguin Putnam, $5.99 paper (0-14-130919-9)
Wallace, Rich.
Playing Without the Ball. Knopf, $15.95 (0-679-88672-9)
Watson, Esther Pearl and Todd, Mark, Editors.
The Pain Tree and other Teenage Angst-Ridden Poetry. Houghton Mifflin, $16 (0-618-01558-2)
Wilcox, Charlotte.
Mummies, Bones & Body Parts. illus. Lerner, $25 (1-57505-428-0)
Winick, Judd.
Pedro and Me. illus. Henry Holt, $15 paper (0-8050-6403-6)
Members of the YALSA 2001 Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers were: John Sexton, chair, Ashland Branch Library (OR); Linda W. Braun, LEO: Librarians & Educators Online, (ME); Lora Bruggeman, Downers Grove Public Library (IL); Tammy Daubner, Perrysburg (OH); Lynn Evarts, Sauk Prairie High School (WI); Caryl McKellar, Alachua County Library District (FL); Melanie Rapp Weiss, Cuyahoga County Library (OH); Victor Schill, Fairbanks Branch Library (TX); Kimberley Sharpe, Brooklyn Public Library (NY); Henrietta M. Smith, University of South Florida (Delray Beach, FL); Cheryl Karp Ward, Penney Alumni Library East Hartford High School (CT); Mary Long, adm. asst., Wilson Middle School, (TX), Gillian Engberg, Booklist consultant.