2001 Top 10 Best Books for Young Adults
The Best Books for Young Adults committee of the Young Adult Library Services Association, a division of the American Library Association, has chosen the following books as Top Ten Young Adult Books:
Bagdasarian, Adam
Forgotten Fire $17.95 DK 0-7894-2627-7
Bauer, Joan
Hope was Here $16.99 G. P. Putnam's Sons 0-399-23142-0
Chevalier, Tracy
Girl with a Pearl Earring $21.95 Dutton, 052594527X
Katz, Jon
Geeks: How two boys rode the Internet out of Idaho $22.95 Villard 0-375-50298-X
Konigsburg, E. L.
Silent to the Bone $17.00 Jean Karl Book, Atheneum Books 0-689-83601-5
Paulsen, Gary
The Beet Fields $15.95 Delacorte Press 0-385-32647-5
Ryan, Pam Munoz
Esperanza Rising $15.95 Scholastic Press 0-439-12041-1
Spinelli, Jerry
Stargirl $15.95 Alfred A. Knopf 0-679-88637-0
Whelan, Gloria
Homeless Bird $15.95 HarperCollins 0-06-028454-4
White, Ruth
Memories of Summer $16.00 Farrar Straus Giroux 0-374-34945-2
Committee members were Alice F. Stern, Chair, The Winsor School, Boston, MA; Margaret Butzler, Bethel Park Public Library, Bethel Park, PA; Valerie Diamond, Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, MD; Katherine Fitch, Rachel Carson Middle School, Herndon, VA; Susan Geye, Crowley Ninth Grade Campus, Crowley, TX; Donna Gilliland, University of St. Thomas Minnesota, MN; Nancy Maltby Henkel, Maple Valley Library, King County Library System, Maple Valley, WA; Jan Hoberecht, Newton High School, Newton, KS; Andrea Howe, Albuquerque Academy, Albuquerque, NM; Susan Hunter, Riverside Middle School, Springfield, VT; Donna McMillen, Algona-Pacific Pacific, WA; Diane Monnier, Bethesda Regional Montgomery County, MD; Rosemary Moran,Tulsa City-County Library Tulsa, OK; Andrew Parson, Packer Collegiate Institute, Brooklyn, NY; Sandra Schultheis, Evansville-Vanderburgh County, Evansville, IN; Stephanie Zvirin, Consultant, American Library Association,Chicago, IL; Douglas Uhlmann, Administrative Assistant, William Penn Charter School, Philadelphia, PA.