YALSA Academy Video Guidelines
YALSA Academy is YALSA’s online educational video initiative created by and for teen service specialists from around the country. The Academy provides short training videos ranging from 3-7 minutes that address a variety of topics, including: social media, technology tools, programming, advocacy, collection development, customer service, professional development and others. The videos are also intended to point viewers to other YALSA resources for more in-depth training on a particular topic. Videos will be posted to the YALSA Academy YouTube channel and other YALSA social media outlets.
Here are 3 key things to keep in mind when making your YALSA Academy video:
1) Audio is king. We have to be able to clearly and distinctly hear what is being said on the video.
2) Shorter is better.
3) Tell a story. Everyone likes a story! No one really grooves on listening to a 5 minute lecture.
Video Requirements
The requirements for the videos are that they are:
- 3-7 minutes long
- In a file format supported by YouTube
- Edited so that the video plays smoothly, audio is easily heard, and visuals make it clear what is being discussed.
- Include YALSA’s branding with the association's entry and concluding slide (this may be added by the producer or YALSA’s program officer for continuing education).
- Contain appropriate content for public and school teen services librarians and library staff workers
- In keeping with YALSA’s Competencies and Strategic Plan
- Proper credit is given to any outside sources that are used in the video
Video Planning Checklist
When planning and creating your video, please keep the following guidelines in mind.
When planning your video, please:
- Check the YALSA Academy how-to video to get ideas
- Create an outline or storyboard for your videos
- Use inclusive language, for example:
“school and public libraries” instead of “libraries”
“library staff” instead of “librarians”
- Avoid library jargon, for example
“how to pick out books” instead of “collection development”
“talking with teens about what they need” instead of “reference interview”
- Contact YALSA's CE Consultant, Linda W. Braun, lbraun@leonline.com if you have any questions about getting started
While making your video, please:
- Include YALSA resources (eg. Booklists, handouts, Award titles ect.)
- Make sure audio can be clearly heard
- Make sure the picture is steady (if recording video)
After making your video, please:
- Edit the video to ensure it runs smoothly
- Email YALSA's CE Consultant, Linda W. Braun, lbraun@leonline.com for information on how to submit your video
Getting Started
When getting started on creating a video for YALSA Academy some good questions to consider are:
- What is something that your teen services department does really well that you can share with others?
- Is there a unique hurdle or obstacle that you’ve come up with a creative solution to?
- What do you consider your area of expertise? Technology? Programming? Readers Advisory? Social media?
- What would lend itself well to a 3-7 minute video?
Take a look at some videos that are on the YALSA Academy channel, see where you can add to the community. Watch how to create a YALSA Academy video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YrOjpbSpgY
Creating Content
It is easy, just make a video! Budgets are tight we know, but video does not have to be expensive. Record it on your smartphone, or on a digital camera. Use iMovie or free video creation software such as MovieMaker, Animoto to create and edit your video. Just remember to make sure that your audio is clear and easily heard. It is strongly recommended that you use an external microphone or headset to record your video. If you do use a built-in microphone, please ensure that you or your interviewees speak loudly enough so that the audio is easily heard.
Before submitting your video, please ensure that you create a brief description of your video. Please also include suggested tags that you would like to have applied to your video. As you think about the description and tags consider the words and phrases that will make your video easy to find on search sites and on YouTube.
Submitting Content
Once you have your video ready to go, please contact YALSA's CE Consultant, Linda Braun, lbraun@leonline.com, to determine the best method for submitting the video..
YALSA has a YouTube channel where videos will be uploaded. Videos will also be made available via YALSA’s Facebook page and can be embedded by others into a variety of platforms. To make sure that there is consistency in the videos and a variety of topics covered, videos will first be submitted to YALSA to be reviewed. All videos will be reviewed and the producer will be contacted about what revisions need to be made to the content. YALSA’s program officer for continuing education will be responsible for uploading videos to YALSA’s channel.
Legal Matters
If you choose to include teens on your video, you will need to secure permission. These videos will be freely available to the public on YouTube and posted on YALSA’s other social media outlets. YALSA recommends that if you plan to include teens you discuss this with your library director.
Please keep in mind that once you submit a video to YALSA, it becomes YALSA’s property.
Have some remaining questions? Please contact YALSA CE Consultant, Linda W. Braun, lbraun@leonline.com.