YALSA Board Meeting Rules

In order To complete the business of the division with maximum efficiency, the following procedural information (rules of order) should be observed:

To present an idea for consideration and action: Move To main motion, move the adoption of a resolution, move To consider informally.

To approve action: Move To accept, adopt or ratify.

To modify or change: Move To amend, postpone To a definite time, postpone temporarily (table), refer To a committee, or division of question.

To regulate discussion: Move To limit, close or extend debate.

To suppress a question: Move To postpone temporarily, postpone To a definite time, table, refer To a committee, or request that the motion be withdrawn.

To determine correctness of an announced voice vote: Move for division of the board.

To object To decision of the chair: Move an appeal from the decision or call for a point of order.

To make a request: Call for point of information, rise To parliamentary inquiry, raise question of privilege, or request To withdraw a motion.

To change an action already taken: Move To resume consideration (take from the table), reconsider, rescind, renew a defeated motion, or amend by a new main motion (repeal by implication).

To permit a break in the meeting: move To recess.

To take action otherwise prevented by a procedural rule: Move To suspend the rules.

To end a meeting: Move To adjourn.

(Motions grouped according To the purpose To be accomplished.) - Based on Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, 3d rev., ed., by Alice R. Sturgis, McGraw-Hill, 1993.