Virtual Member Policy
Note: The YALSA Board of Directiors officially sunsetted this policy in June 2010.
- After determining how virtual membership will affect the organization and operation of his or her committee, each committee chair decides whether there will be one or more virtual members, up to a maximum of 33%, on the committee. Regarding task forces, additional virtual members may be appointed by the President or Vice President/President-Elect.
- Virtual members must have the appropriate hardware, software and technical expertise to communicate electronically with the other committee members. Virtual members may be delegated tasks or responsibilities not required of the other committee members, as determined by the chair. These may include the use of additional components as determined or warranted by the chair, such as chat rooms, etc.
- Virtual members must respond to the chair to all messages sent to the committee within the time frame determined by the chair.
- If the virtual committee member fails to respond within the time frame established by the chair without a valid reason, the chair should notify the President, who has the option of replacing the virtual member.
- A regular member of the committee will be appointed as a mentor to each virtual member. The mentor will communicate regularly with the virtual member at times agreed upon by the two of them.
- Training will be provided to chairs as to how to work with virtual members.
Adopted by the YALSA Board of Directors, June 1999. Changed to conform to ALA Bylaws, June 2004. Changed to conform to ALA Bylaws, June 2010.