Responsibilities for the Executive Committee

Duties and responsibilities of the YALSA Officers including President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Past President, Councilor, and Fiscal Officer.

President | President-Elect | Immediate Past President | Division Councilor | Fiscal Officer | Secretary

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The role of the YALSA Executive Committee is to provide fiscal oversight and to maintain strong ties with ALA. Specific members of the Executive Committee also liaise with relevant ALA governing bodies, committees and/or elected officers as appropriate. The Executive Committee may not: amend bylaws, elect or remove Board members, hire or fire the Executive Director, approve a change to the budget or make major structural decisions (such as adding or eliminating programs). Traditionally the Executive Committee meets in-person at ALA Annual and Midwinter, and online as needed. The President has the authority to call meetings of the Executive Committee as necessary. The Executive Committee consists of the: President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Division Councilor, Fiscal Officer, Secretary and Executive Director (ex-officio and nonvoting).

Responsibilities for individual Executive Committee Members listed below. To read more about the overall responsibility of the Executive Committee as a whole, visit this YALSA web page.


Besides duties as a Board member and member of the Executive Committee, the following responsibilities also pertain to this position.

At the Annual Conference where you are in-coming President: (also refer to your orientation packet for President-Elect responsibilities at Annual)

  • Be seated as Chair of the YALSA Board of Directors at the end of the last Board meeting at Annual.
  • Chair the YALSA Executive Committee II meeting.
  • Attend and participate in the ALA Inaugural Banquet on Tuesday.

After the Annual Conference when you have been installed as President:

  • As needed assist the new President-Elect with appointments.
  • Communicate Board actions from the Annual Conference to committees, members and other that are directly affected by those motions.
  • Prepare for, attend and chair the virtual Fall Executive meeting of YALSA’s Executive Committee.
  • Continue to improve understanding of key YALSA policies and procedures as well as ALA policies and procedures, including the Operating Agreement. Continue to expand knowledge of parliamentary procedure. The official resource that ALA governance uses is Roberts Rules of Order.
  • Continue reading about nonprofit governance and leadership. Work with the Executive Director to identify appropriate professional materials, such as workshops, books, etc.
  • Prepare for the ALA Midwinter Meeting, including the development of briefings for Chairs and agendas for Midwinter meetings of the Board and Executive Committee.
  • Attend the YA Services Symposium.
  • Respond to all media contacts, especially those for Teen Read Week.

At Midwinter during your presidential year:

  • Attend and participate in the Joint Youth Division Executive Committee meeting. Chair all Board and Executive Committee meetings. Attend BARC meetings (Division Leaders/BARC Joint Meeting and ALA Finances 101) as time allows. Attend the Joint Youth Division Member Reception and greet members at the door.
  • Meet with your President’s Program Planning Taskforce and YALSA’s Program Officer to discuss your program at Annual.
  • Attend the ALA/Division President’s Lunch.
  • Emcee the ALA Youth Media Awards Press Conference.
  • Attend the ALA President’s reception.

After Midwinter during your presidential year:

  • Communicate Board actions from the Midwinter Meeting to committees, members and others that are directly affected by those motions. Work with Board members to help them accurately communicate board actions to their liaison committees.
  • Write letters of commendation and thanks to outgoing chairs and others appointed whose terms have expired.
  • In March encourage members to vote in the ALA/YALSA election. Work with staff to disseminate the message.
  • Prepare for and chair the virtual meeting of the Executive Committee.
  • Prepare for and attend Library Legislative Day in May in Washington DC.
  • Prepare for ALA Annual Conference. In May work with the Executive Director to develop the agendas for the meetings of these groups: Executive Committee, Board, Membership and the Joint Executive Committee meeting at Annual. Solicit agenda items from the AASL and ALSC Presidents for the Joint Executive Committee meeting at Annual.
  • Prepare an annual report to the ALA Council due April/May about YALSA’s achievements during the year.
  • Ensure that Resolutions are written for out-going Board members and other members who made a significant contribution to the association that year.

At Annual when you’re concluding your presidential year:

  • Chair the Joint Youth Division Executive Committee meeting, all Board meetings, Executive I, and the President’s Program & Membership Meeting.
  • Attend and participate in Executive II, YALSA 101 and BARC and other key ALA meetings as time allows.
  • Attend the ALA/Division Presidents’ Lunch.
  • Attend ALA member leader receptions.
  • Preside over the President’s Program and Membership Meeting for your year as President and give a brief report to the membership as to the status of the association. Present gavel to Vice President/President-Elect.
  • Start a conversation with the Board about the YALSA Executive Director’s job performance in order to provide feedback to ALA’s Senior Associate Executive Director for the annual employee review.
  • Emcee the Edwards Lunch and Printz Program, and other key events as you are able. Work with the YALSA office in advance to prepare remarks.
  • Be available to say a few words at events such as the preconferences, YALSA 101, etc.
  • Attend AASL Honor Luncheon and Newbery/Caldecott Banquet (and other similar affairs), if invited.

After Annual when you have stepped down as President:

  • Communicate with ALA’s Senior Associate Executive Director regarding the YALSA Executive Director’s performance relating to his/her stated yearly goals, after consultation with the Board and the Executive Committee of YALSA.
  • Send thank yous to outgoing chairs as well as to members and member leaders who supported you throughout your presidential year.
  • Open the lines of communication with the new President-Elect and mentor them as appropriate to help them prepare for their presidential year.
  • Assist the new President, as requested.
  • Consider hosting a Past Presidents’ reception or breakfast at the upcoming Annual or Midwinter in order to provide a place for these member leaders to be recognized and to stay active in the association. Work with the YALSA office to plan the event.

Ongoing Duties During Your Presidential Year

Communication with Members

Communicate regularly with the Executive Committee, Board, YALSA Executive Director, Committee/Jury/Taskforce Chairs and ALA member leaders.

  • Write for YALS, as requested.
  • When appropriate, write thank you notes to individuals who give their time and resources to YALSA.
  • Work with the chairs of the President’s Program as well as YALSA’s Program Officer to plan the event for Annual.
  • Include your role in YALSA in your email signature, article bylines and other appropriate places.
  • Subscribe to, monitor and/or participate on appropriate YA library related discussion lists.
  • Participate in discussions with other Division Presidents and the ALA President.
  • The President follows-up Board meetings and Executive Committee meetings in a timely manner with correspondence to committees, members and others, and informs them of Board actions that affect them directly.
  • Keep the membership informed of important news relating to YALSA as well as accomplishments.


  • Chair all Board of Directors and Executive Committee meetings. Solicit feedback from the Board and work with the Executive Director prior to the meetings to establish agendas for the meetings.
  • Organize member leader training, including the Board Planning session at Midwinter of your presidential year and all Leadership Development sessions.
  • Appoint members to any taskforces that are established during your term as President, and fill any committee/jury/taskforce vacancies that may arise.
  • Suggest possible candidates to the Board Development Committee who can make significant contributions to the work of the Board and YALSA.
  • Follow all conflict of interest, confidentiality policies and other ALA/YALSA policies.
  • With the aid of an ad-hoc search committee, select an individual for any member publisher positions that may come open during your year.
  • Communicate with other Division leaders and the ALA President, as appropriate.
  • Work with the Fiscal Officer and Executive Director on fiscal matters.
  • Work with Board Liaisons and Chairs to quickly resolve any committee/jury/taskforce issues or concerns that arise.
  • Follow up with Board members after Board meetings to ensure they complete any tasks that were assigned to them.
  • Work closely with the President-Elect to prepare him/her to step into your place after your presidential year is over.
  • Serve as an example for members by registering for events such as Teen Read Week, voting in ALA elections, writing letters to the editor, etc.
  • Guide the work of YALSA members who are representatives to other ALA or ALA Affiliate committees or member groups.
  • Continue to develop leadership skills and knowledge of association governance through attendance at workshops, reading professional materials, etc.

Represent YALSA in the Media & to the Public

  • Inform the Executive Director and Communications Specialist of your whereabouts and the best way to contact you, as needed, as requests from the press often come up on short notice.
  • Know and be able to quickly and effectively communicate key information and news about YALSA, including official talking points and legislative issues relating to teens and libraries. Talking points are developed by the communications specialist with input from staff and member leaders.
  • Be the first point of contact for media requests and provide quotes as requested by ALA’s Communications & Marketing Office or the YALSA Office. Keep up-to-date on developments in the field of YA librarianship.
  • Work with the YALSA Office to write op-ed pieces, as YA issues arise in the media.
  • Represent YALSA at state, regional and/or affiliate conferences. Work with the YALSA Office to decide which ones you can attend. Expect the state association to pay all or part of your expenses.


Besides duties as a Board member and member of the Executive Committee, the following responsibilities also pertain to this position.

As incoming President-Elect before the Annual Conference:

  • Learn the committee appointment process. Talk to the current President-Elect and read any information you receive from YALSA’s Executive Director.
  • Read YALSA’s key documents, such as the Organizational Plan, Business Plan and Handbook
  • Consider subscribing to, monitoring and/or participating in discussions on YALSA’s discussion lists to stay abreast of YALSA news, member needs and trends in the field.
  • Become familiar with YALSA’s electronic resources.
  • Become knowledgeable about the standing ALA Committees that you will be involved with filling as a member of ALA Committee on Appointments (this is comprised of all division President-Elects and chaired by the ALA President-Elect).
  • Know each YALSA staff person’s role and which staff person to go to for your different needs.
  • Begin to read up about the topics of nonprofit management, board leadership, etc.

At the Annual Conference:

  • Attend the Planning & Budget Assembly and Division Leaders/BARC Joint Meeting, as you are able.
  • Attend the following meetings at Annual so you can be introduced at:
    • YALSA Membership Meeting
    • YALSA 101 Program
    • YALSA Board of Director’s meetings
    • YALSA Executive Committee meetings
  • Be seated on the YALSA Board of Directors at the end of the last Board meeting at Annual.
  • Interact with the ALA President-Elect and other Division President-Elects so you can get to know your peers.
  • Take the opportunity to ask current presidents any questions about your new role.
  • Throughout the conference make the effort to talk to members and listen to any concerns, especially new ones, and make them feel welcome.
  • Be on the lookout for any members with good leadership potential and encourage them to chair a committee or run for office.
  • Consider attending YALSA’s ticketed events, such as the Printz reception, Edwards lunch, etc., and ALA events, such as the Inaugural Banquet, as you are able.

After the Annual Conference as the official President-Elect:

  • Make appointments for YALSA award committees.
  • Work with the Board virtually to identify individuals to serve on standing ALA Committees, and send the names to ALA’s President-Elect.
  • Participate in Division Leadership training in the fall with the other Division President-Elects.
  • Participate in the Fall Executive meeting of YALSA’s Executive Committee.
  • Provide a bio, headshot and image of your signature to the YALSA Office.
  • Begin thinking about what goals you want to accomplish during your year as President. This will help determine your theme, if you choose to have one, and the focus of your President’s Program.
  • Familiarize yourself with ALA’s Handbook of Organization.
  • Work with YALSA’s Administrative Assistant to get business cards.
  • Fill in for the President as needed for media interviews, quotes for press releases, etc.
  • Increase your knowledge of parliamentary procedure. The official resource that ALA governance uses is Roberts Rules of Order.
  • Continue reading about nonprofit governance and leadership. Work with the Executive Director to identify appropriate professional materials, such as workshops, books, etc.

At Midwinter of your President-Elect year:

  • Attend and participate in the Joint Youth Division Executive Committee meeting, all Board and Executive Committee meetings, and Joint Youth Division Membership Reception. Attend BARC meetings (Division Leaders/BARC Joint Meeting and ALA Finances 101) as time allows.
  • Meet with YALSA’s Program Officer and your President’s Program Planning Taskforce to discuss your program at Annual.
  • Attend the ALA/Division President Elect’s Lunch.

After Midwinter of your President-Elect year:

  • Make strategic committee appointments.
  • Participate in the Executive Committee’s Spring Conference Call.
  • Continue refining your goals, planning your President’s Program and developing your theme.
  • Make up a new list of Board Liaisons to Committee Chairs. Consult with the President about any recommendations he/she may have with assigning Board members to specific committees.
  • Work with the President to prepare an agenda for the Executive Committee II meeting at Annual, which you will chair.

At Annual when you are in-coming President:

  • Attend and participate in the Joint Youth Division Executive Committee meeting, all Board and Executive Committee meetings, President’s Program & Membership Meeting and YALSA 101. Attend BARC and other key ALA meetings as time allows.
  • Be inaugurated at the ALA Annual Conference at the close of your year as President-Elect at the ALA Inaugural Banquet.
  • Officially begin your term as President at the end of the last Board meeting.
  • Preside over the Executive II meeting.
  • Attend the ALA/Division President Elect’s Lunch.
  • Continue to work with YALSA’s Program Officer and the President’s Program Taskforce.

Past President

The immediate Past-President serves as a member of the Board of Directors, helping to shape policy for the division and also contributing, from the experience, knowledge and insight gained as President, to the future direction and leadership of YALSA.

Besides duties as a Board member and member of the Executive Committee, the following responsibilities also pertain to this position:

Immediately after you step down from the Board at the end of the Annual Conference.

  • Communicate with ALA’s Senior Associate Executive Director regarding the YALSA Executive Director’s performance relating to his/her stated yearly goals, after consultation with the Board and the Executive Committee of YALSA.
  • Send thank yous to outgoing chairs as well as to members and member leaders who supported you throughout your presidential year.
  • Open the lines of communication with the new President-Elect and mentor them as appropriate to help them prepare for their presidential year.
  • Assist the new President with governance matters, as requested.

At Conferences during your year as Immediate Past President:

  • Attend and participate in the following meetings, as you are able:
    • Division Presidents’ Breakfast
    • Attend ALA member leader receptions
    • Other meetings at the YALSA President’s request
  • Take advantage of opportunities to interact with Immediate Past Presidents from other Divisions.
  • Make an effort to mentor YALSA’s President-Elect as opportunities arise.

In Between Conferences during your year as Immediate Past President:

  • Participate in discussions on the ALA DIVPRES e-list.
  • Stand in for the President at events and for media interviews, as requested.
  • Continue to provide support to the President-Elect.

Other Duties as Immediate Past President:

  • Create ways for Past Presidents to continue to be active in the association. Consider hosting a Past Presidents’ reception or breakfast at the upcoming Midwinter Meeting or Annual Conference.
  • Work closely with the President-Elect to prepare him/her for their leadership position.
  • Know and understand any ALA policies that impact YALSA, such as the operating agreement (ALA Policy A. between ALA at the Divisions.
  • Read regularly about governance matters for not-for-profit organizations and consider participating in continuing education opportunities such as e-courses and workshops offered by organizations such as Board Source, ASAE and Association Forum.
  • Consider extending your service to YALSA by offering your time and expertise on an ALA Committee or elected position.
  • Consider serving on key YALSA process committees where your expertise in association governance would be well-utilized, such as Strategic Planning, Organization and By-Laws, and Financial Advancement.
  • Past-Past Presidents serve a year on YALSA’s Board Development Committee.

Division Councilor

Besides duties as a Board member and member of the Executive Committee, the following responsibilities also pertain to this position.

As provided for in the ALA Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2b: "Each division of the association shall be entitled to one councilor to be elected for a term of three years by the members of the division."

YALSA Bylaws, Article V, Section 2d states the duties and responsibilities of the division councilor, the division-elected representative to the ALA Council shall:

  • Serve as a voting member of the YALSA Board
  • Attend all meetings of the ALA Council
  • Report to the YALSA Board about Council agenda before Council meets to request YALSA voting position on any agenda items
  • Vote as directed by the YALSA Board on designated Council agenda items
  • Represent YALSA’s position on Council through necessary presentations and resolutions
  • Report to the YALSA Board about Council actions after Council meets
  • Perform other Council-related activities as directed by the YALSA Board

The YALSA Councilor is also a member of the YALSA Executive Committee, as well as the Board of Directors.

At Conferences:

  • Attend and participate in the following meetings:
    • All meetings of YALSA’s Executive Committee
    • All meetings of YALSA’s Board of Directors
    • All meetings of ALA Council
    • Youth Council Caucus meeting
  • Take advantage of opportunities to interact with Division Councilors from other Divisions, so you can get to know your peers.
  • When requested by the Board, bring issues or resolutions to the ALA Council on behalf of YALSA.

In Between Conferences:

  • Share any Council documents of significance or that directly impact YALSA with the YALSA Board.
  • Monitor ALA Council discussions and alert YALSA’s President and Executive Director to any issues that arise that directly affect YALSA.
  • Prepare a report on Council activities for the Board meetings at Midwinter and Annual, including information about proposed resolutions.
  • Review any Council materials prior to meetings with an eye to items that will have implications for YALSA or the field of young adult librarianship.
  • Work with other youth Division Councilors to prepare for the Youth Council Caucus meeting.
  • When requested by the Board, draft any resolutions for YALSA, including resolutions acknowledging significant accomplishments or anniversaries.

Other Duties as Division Councilor:

  • Know all policies and procedures relating to ALA Council.
  • Stay informed about YALSA’s mission, services, policies, and programs.
  • Know and understand any ALA policies and their impact on YALSA, such as the operating agreement (ALA Policy A. between ALA at the Divisions.
  • Read regularly about governance matters for not-for-profit organizations and consider participating in continuing education opportunities such as e-courses and workshops offered by organizations such as Board Source, ASAE and Association Forum.
  • Encourage other YALSA members to run for Council to ensure that YALSA and young adult issues are adequately represented.

Fiscal Officer

Besides duties as a Board member and member of the Executive Committee, the following responsibilities also pertain to this position.

The YALSA Fiscal Officer shall be an elected member of the YALSA Board, shall serve a three-year term of office and shall also serve on the YALSA Executive Committee. The primary responsibility of the Fiscal Officer is to work with the Board, Financial Advancement Committee and Executive Director to ensure the fiscal health of the association through proper financial oversight so that there are adequate resources for the organization to fulfill its mission.

Duties will include but are not limited to:

  • Reviewing and evaluating proposed programs that have fiscal implications
  • Monitoring the YALSA Business Plan and updating it as needed in collaboration with the YALSA Executive Director
  • Working with the YALSA Board to institutionalize monetary and budget considerations for all programs and activities of the division
  • Working with the YALSA Executive Director to prepare fiscal reports for Executive Committee & Board meetings
  • Attending meetings of ALA’s Budget Analysis & Review Committee (BARC), including the Budget and Planning Assembly and the Division Leaders’ meeting
  • Participating in long range planning such as projecting future budget needs and identifying revenue resources to meet them
  • Attending key division and ALA meetings at the Annual Conference and the Midwinter Meeting as requested by the President

At Conferences:

  • Attend and participate in the following fiscal meetings at Annual, as you are able:
    • YALSA’s Financial Advancement Committee
    • ALA’s Budget Analysis & Review Committee (BARC) Division Leaders’ Meeting
    • ALA’s Planning & Budget Assembly Meeting
  • Take advantage of opportunities to interact with Fiscal Officers from other Divisions, so you can get to know your peers.
  • Communicate with YALSA’s liaison to BARC. Consider setting up a meeting so the two of you can discuss important issues and as a means for keeping the BARC liaison up to date on important developments.
  • Educate Committee Chairs about YALSA’s Business Plan and how committees can contribute to generating revenue for the association.

In Between Conferences:

  • Work with the Executive Director to prepare a fiscal report for the Board meetings at Midwinter and Annual and submit to the YALSA Office one month before each conference.
  • Stay in regular touch with the chair of the Financial Advancement Committee and provide support or information when needed.
  • Work with the Executive Director to update the YALSA Business Plan, as needed.
  • Work with the Executive Director to annually identify Budget Priorities for the coming fiscal year. These are submitted to the Board for their approval each Midwinter.
  • Review agenda and supporting materials prior to all Board meetings with an eye to items that will have fiscal implications.

Other Duties as Fiscal Officer:

  • Stay informed about the organization's mission, services, policies, and programs, especially in terms of what their financial impact may be.
  • Assist the YALSA President with designing and implementing training for Board members in regards to their fiduciary responsibilities.
  • Assist the Board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization's annual financial statements.
  • Know and understand any ALA policies that impact finances for YALSA, such as the operating agreement (ALA Policy A. between ALA at the Divisions.
  • Assist the Board and Financial Advancement Committee in planning, implementing and evaluating fundraising initiatives, such as those via Friends of YALSA, planned giving and the endowment.
  • Keep YALSA’s liaison to ALA’s BARC Committee informed about key financial accomplishments and issues.
  • Assist the President in regularly communicating key fiscal goals, accomplishments and concerns to the YALSA membership.
  • Assist the Board and the FAC in regularly informing the membership and targeted potential donors about opportunities to support YALSA with a financial gift.
  • Educate Committee Chairs about the YALSA Business Plan and about opportunities committees have in contributing to YALSA’s fiscal health.
  • Communicate with individuals who donate to YALSA as well as potential donors.
  • Read regularly about financial matters for not-for-profit organizations and consider participating in continuing education opportunities.


Besides duties as a Board member and member of the Executive Committee, the following responsibilities also pertain to this position:

The YALSA Secretary is a member of the YALSA Executive Committee, as well as the Board of Directors. The Secretary is responsible for ensuring that accurate and sufficient documentation exists to enable authorized persons to determine when, how, and by whom the board's business was conducted. The Secretary records minutes of Board meetings, ensures their accuracy and availability, and performs other duties as requested by the President.

Specific Duties:

  • Minutes: The secretary is responsible for ensuring that accurate minutes of meetings are taken, approved and disseminated. Minutes must include:
    • date, time, location of meeting
    • list of those present and absent
    • list of items discussed
    • list of reports presented
    • text of motions presented and description of their disposition

The Secretary signs a copy of the final, approved minutes and ensures that this copy is maintained in the organizational records.

  • Custodian of records: The Secretary works with staff to ensure that the records of the organization are maintained and made available when required by authorized persons. These records may include founding documents, (eg. letters patent, articles of incorporation), lists of directors, board and committee meeting minutes financial reports, and other official records.
  • Bylaws: The Secretary ensures that an up-to-date copy of the bylaws is available at all meetings.

Communication: The Secretary ensures that proper notification is given of directors' and members' meetings as specified in the YALSA Bylaws (Article VII, Section 2). The Secretary ensures that members are informed, through appropriate channels such as YALS or the web site, of Board actions.

Meetings: The Secretary participates in Board meetings as a voting member. The Secretary provides items for the agenda as appropriate. In the absence of the President and Vice-President, the Secretary calls the meeting to order, presiding until a temporary chairperson is elected. The secretary records meeting minutes as described above. The Secretary may perform these duties for Member meetings and/or for the Executive Committee.

At Conferences:

  • Attend and participate in the following meetings:
    • All meetings of YALSA’s Executive Committee
    • All meetings of YALSA’s Board of Directors
    • YALSA Membership Meeting
  • Work with staff to ensure that meeting minutes are taken accurately and that all motions of the Board are received and noted.

In Between Conferences:

  • Review meeting minutes and make corrections, as needed. Share minutes with the Board in a timely manner.
  • Work with staff to ensure that Board documents are available to members online.

When requested by the President, notify Board and membership of upcoming Board and/or Executive Committee meetings, as specified in the YALSA Bylaws (Article VII, Section 2).

Other Duties as Secretary:

  • Know all policies and procedures relating to YALSA.
  • Stay informed about YALSA’s mission, services, policies, and programs.
  • Know and understand any ALA policies and their impact on YALSA, such as the operating agreement (ALA Policy A. between ALA at the Divisions.
  • As needed assist the Organization & Bylaws Committee to periodically review key Division documents such as the YALSA Handbook and Bylaws for currency and accuracy and make recommendations to the Board when updates are needed.
  • When a Bylaws change is approved by the Board, work with the Organization & Bylaws Committee write the proposed new language and help staff prepare the ballot information for the vote to change the Bylaws.
  • Read regularly about governance matters for not-for-profit organizations, including but not limited to information management and parliamentary procedure, and consider participating in continuing education opportunities such as e-courses and workshops offered by organizations such as Board Source, ASAE and Association Forum.

Updated May 2018