2023 Board Meeting Agenda and Documents
2023 Board Meeting Agenda and Documents
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Board I Friday, June 9, 2023, 12pm CST.
Meetings of the Board of Directors are open to all members in good standing who wish to listen and observe proceedings. Members are asked to respect the fact that directors have an agenda to discuss, and there may not be time for new business.
Members are welcome to sit in the chairs around the perimeter of the room so that directors can be seated together for conversing and vote tallies. Members are welcome to share their comments, ideas, requests, etc., during the “Information Forum” that begins each meeting. If there are a number of guests wanting to speak, it may be necessary to set time limits for speaking. Members may not introduce new topics or speak during the board's general business unless called upon by the President for input. AGENDA* – as of 5/19/2023 (learn more about board agendas and documents)
We’ll pause in the agenda to accommodate 10 min. information exchanges with:
● BARC Representative,
● ALA Executive Board Representative,
Present: Franklin Escobedo President, Colleen Seisser President-Elect, Joel Shoemaker Secretary, Kelly Czarnecki Past President, LaMoya Burks YALSA Interim Executive Director/Ex-Officio, Melissa Malanuk Director, Stacey Shapiro, Susannah Goldstein Director, Kate Denier Fiscal Officer, Josie Andrews Director, Ziba Perez YALSA ALA Liaison/Ex-Officio, Gail Tobin Ex-Officio, Abby Phillips Director
Absent: Matt Layne Director, Elizabeth Nebeker Division Councilor, Siva Ramakrishnan Ex-Officio, Melanie Wachsmann Ex-Officio
Guests: Kimberly, Kevin, Yvette
AGENDA* – as of 5/19/2023 (learn more about board agendas and documents)
Call to Order - F. Escobedo, 12:04 PM CST
Information Forum – 5 minutes are allotted at the beginning of each session for visitors and board members to share news or ask questions
Adoption of the Agenda -Adoption of the Agenda – S. Shapiro moved to adopt the agenda. K. Denier seconded. All in favor.
Consent Items (these are typically items discussed or acted on in between in-person meetings or are reports submitted for the board's review)
Item 1: 2022 Annual Minutes
Item 2: 2023 Winter Minutes
Item 3: Creation of Oversight Committee
Item 4: Strategic Committees Charges: YALSA Handbook Updates
Item 5: Presidential Initiatives Implementation Task Force
Item 6: Board Member Agreement Update
Item 7: Updating Education Advisory Committee Charge
Adoption of Consent Calendar – S. Goldstein moved to adopt the consent items. J. Andrews seconded. All in favor.
Discussion Items -
Item #8 Quarterly Chair Reports - C. Seisser discussed the reports. Teen Civic Engagement Committee, J. Andrews is liaison. Financial Advancement Committee – a fuller committee for next year. Teen Top Ten – Ongoing work between board and staff liaison to solve issues with forms, publisher communications, reading groups, etc. Colleen has connected various chairs with other members as requested. Oversight Committee to touch base with all award committees, if not already done. G. Tobin reports that FAC is updating sponsorship guide. A more robust revision coming for next year. G. Tobin moves to adopt quarterly reports. K. Denier seconds. All in favor.
Item #9: JRLYA Editor January Report – Onboarding Editor. No report.
Item #10: The Hub Blog Manager May Report – No report.
Item #11: YALSA ALA Liaison Board Report – Z. Perez provided a report on all of the committees visited recently.
Item #12: USBBY Report – N/A
Item #13: RUSA Accessibility Assembly – N/A
Item #14: Fiscal Report -L. Burks and K. Denier working on the third iteration of budget with ALA finance department. BARC will meet at annual.
Item #15: Evaluating Volunteer Resources Taskforce Recommendations – N/A
Item #16: ALA Councilor Report – N/A
* Executive Session - 10 minutes
Item #17: Executive Session - ………………………………………. Franklin Escobedo – N/A
New Business
Item #18 Reappointment of YALSA Liaison to ALA…………………………
Item #19 Adoption and Presentation of Resolutions …………………….
Sent by L. Burks, Resolutions will be e-mailed and provided during the next board chat.
Information Items
Item #16 Guidelines for Board Meetings -
Item #17 Communications Report -.....................LaMoya Burks
Item #18 Events & Conference Report -........................................... LaMoya Burks
Item #19 Membership Report -............................................................. Letitia Smith
Item #20 Education Report - ...................................LaMoya Burks
Item #21 YALSA Liaison Assignments ……………………………. Colleen Seisser
Adjournment -
Adjournment – K. Czarnecki moved and J. Andrews seconded to adjourn the meeting at 12:38 pm CST.
** last updated 6/12/23