2020 Printz Award
2020 Printz Award Virtual Celebration
[video:https://youtu.be/lXuC7oHmD8E width:450 height:300]
2020 Winner

by A.S. King
Dutton Books for Young Readers, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers, a division of Penguin Random House
Five teenagers’ disparate lives weave together, unveiling long-buried secrets within a complex shared history. King’s surrealistic narrative confronts themes of white privilege and its dark legacies.
We Are Okay
, written by Nina LaCour, published by Dutton Books for Young
Readers, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers
We Are Okay
, written by Nina LaCour, published by Dutton Books for Young
Readers, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers
2020 Honor Books
The Beast Player
By Nahoko Uehashi, translated by Cathy Hirano
Godwin Books/Henry Holt, an imprint of Macmillan Children's Publishing Group.
Orphaned Elin learns to use her ability to communicate with animals as she navigates through political unrest. The beauty and power of the natural world are at the heart of this captivating, nimbly translated Japanese fantasy.
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me
By Mariko Tamaki, illustrated by Rosemary Valero-O’Connell
First Second/ Macmillan Children's Publishing Group
Freddy is enamored with the magnetic Laura Dean, but their on-again, off-again relationship is far from healthy. Through soft-hued illustrations and cinematic scope, this graphic novel captures the intoxication of teenage love and the search for identity.
Ordinary Hazards: A Memoir
By Nikki Grimes
Wordsong, an imprint of Boyds Mills & Kane
Grimes’ verse memoir traces her development through a tumultuous childhood as she finds her voice as a powerful storyteller. Themes of family, belonging, and identity combine to tell a story of faith and resilience.
Where the World Ends
By Geraldine McCaughrean
Flatiron Books, an imprint of Macmillan Publishers
In 1727, a group of men and boys from St. Kilda sail to a remote sea stack on a fowling trip, only to find themselves stranded. McCaughrean’s exceptional tale evokes the harsh beauty of its setting and the warm humor of its characters.
2020 Committee Members
Members of the 2020 Printz Award Committee are: Chair Kim Keown Farnsworth, Sacramento (Calif.) Public Library; Tegan Beese, Lake Villa District Library, Lindenhurst, Ill.; Connie Poulsen-Hollin, Guernsey-Sunrise Schools, Guernsey, Wyo.; Elisa A. Garcia, Bronx (N.Y.) Library Center; Kay Hones, Civic Center Secondary, San Francisco; Connie Lin, San Francisco Public Library; Jenny Zbrizher, Maplewood (N.J.) Memorial Library; Stacey Shapiro, Cranford (N.J.) Public Library; Cameron Riesenberger, Pikes Peak Library District, Colorado Springs, Colo.; administrative assistant Suzanne Clerkin, Solano County Library, Fairfield, Calif.; and Maggie Reagan, Booklist Consultant, Chicago.